Vikklan : Stay

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Dear Vikram Barns,

While you and I were dating, distance really took a toll on you. I saw it in your eyes. And unfortunately old habits die hard. 

You found a girl. 

You say you aren't dating but I know you are. You finish recording and instead of talking to me, you go to dinner with her. And I am left as your second. You left my love for the lust for another. And yet, I stay here loving you. Maybe when you read this you will realize this is my heart I give you. 

We would alway record and be so happy. Now when we chat, if that phone goes off, you leave in a split second. Leaving me with a larger hole in my heart. Why can't you see it? I am on my knees for you. And  all you see is her. You never see me. Vikk, I love you. Please forgot her. Forgot her and come to me. I am asking you to stay with me. 

You know the first time it happened, it broke my heart. You cheated on me. But we got through it. It was rough, but some how we pulled through. 

Until you did it again. But you never told me. I was told by Simon she came over all the time. I swear that night I was a half step away from the end. Yet my love stopped me, and forgave you. And I wish it didn't. I wish I left, and never came back. I wish I died that night. 

Some how I survived that night, with the image of you in my head. Yet you continued to see her, while we were 'in love'. I never brought it up for awhile. But it took the largest toll on me. I can't seem to get you out of my head, and you seemed to get me out in a second.

 I know she is beautiful, I have seen her. Josh showed me her. But she is not pretty enough to ruin our relationship. Nothing is enough for that. At least for me. 

So Vikk. This is my question. No, my plead. Forgot her, ditch her, never see her again. Because I love you. 

I've given you my best.

Why does she get the best of you?

So next time you find you wanna leave her bed for mine,

Why don't you stay?

I'm down on my knees.

I'm so tired of being lonely.

You can't give me what I need.

When she begs you not to go,

There is one thing you should know

I don't have to live this way.


A Broken Lachlan.

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