KStar *Smut Warning*

733 30 14

Vikk's POV

And here I am.

The rest of the boys wanted to come to the bar, so I got dragged along to be the assigned driver home for JJ. Josh was for Simon. And this is going to be a long night.

It was already 12 and I really wanted to leave. Hopefully I can drag JJ home, without a woman by his side. I have already had Josh and Simon try to get it on in the back of my vehicle. I don't want JJ and some random lady too. 

I quickly glanced around and saw Josh and Simon entering the guys bathroom, hands linked, probably for sex.  Well I am not going in there any time soon.

I looked over at the bar, to see JJ ordering a beer, with some shorter red headed woman in his arms. She appeared drunk out of her mind, along with JJ. I casually walked over to them and tapped on JJ's shoulder. He quickly turned around and said,

"Ay, Vikk. I haven't seen you all night bro. You gotta grab a beer and relax man."

"No JJ. I am not drinking tonight and I think you have had enough." I motioned to the bartender to put JJ's drink back, so JJ hopefully sobers a bit.

"Come on maaaaaaate."

"JJ, I think we should grab Josh and Simon and go home."

"But its so early, I have things to do." JJ said looking down at the woman as she ordered a martini.

"Here I will get you a drink and you can stay here all night if you can get Josh and Simon out of the bathroom." I know that Josh and Simon hate it when JJ walks in on them, even kissing. So Josh and Simon will protest.

"Fine. But I am winning this." JJ is a competitive kind of drinker and would not turn this down. He strutted off towards the bathroom as I pulled out my wallet and turned to the girl.

"50 pounds to not talk to JJ here the rest of the night."

"50? Hell yeah. I am actually waiting for my friends to come pick me up. But damn I'll take a fifty." She said grabbing the fifty pound note and walking off to the booths. I sat down on a barstool and waited for about 5 minutes until JJ came out slouching and looking defeated.


"They aren't coming out for awhile. Hey! Where did Michelle go?"

"She left and you should too. Come on, I am tired."

"But I was going to get it on."

"But nothing lets go home." I said standing up grabbing JJ's wrist and half dragging him to my car. He slid in the passenger side and I jumped in the front. I started her up, and began to back out of the parking lot.

"Can we pick up some women and take them home if Michelle left?"

"You are a horny drinker. No JJ you are stuck with me."

"Okay whatever floats your boat." JJ said.

Suddenly I felt a hand go right next to my dick and caress my thigh. I quickly jumped away and swatted their hand away while trying not to hit someone.

"What the hell man?!?"

"You said  I am stuck with you."

"Not in that way JJ, okay? Now please keep your hand from my dick." I said pulling into our general area for the house.

"Okay." JJ said putting his hand on my knee. It felt really awkward and if I could jump out my car, I would. But i know JJ is heavily intoxicated and not thinking straight, so I can deal with this until we get home.

But JJ being JJ kept going too far. He kept trying to get his hand back to my thing, and constantly I kept having to move his hand away from it.

Even though I like dick, I don't like JJ being one.

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