Mid-Recording - Not Poofless

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I feel angry at life, so here is a 800 word one-shot to help express my hate. May be crappy but it helped to write it.

AU - Rob is secretly in love with Preston even though Preston is head over heels in love with Paige. Now Rob is on the last straw of Preston's crap and ready to do something about it.

Preston's POV

Crap I have to get in that call with Rob for our video later today. I have been with Paige all day and almost forgot about Rob.

I almost run into my recording room to see Rob waiting on Skype for me. I quickly accept and see Rob sitting there looking off into the distance.

"Yo Rob, sorry for being a bit late. I was just out with Paige all day."

Rob looked at the camera and slightly smiled.

"It's fine. I was with some friends earlier so I could have done the same thing."

I just sighed because I wasn't hurtful to Rob.

"Anyway, the video we were going to do. Minecraft or another game?"

"Umm well I was thinking Minecraft . . ."

Did my phone vibrate?

"Yeah Minecraft is good. I can pull up my game." I said glancing down at my phone to see Paige texted me.

"Okay. I can do that too. You have any good maps?" I said opening up the text

Turningmypaige - Hey you forgot some stuff at my house. You wanna come back and get them :)?

TBNRButt - I can't I have a video with Rob


"Shit sorry Rob. I don't have any maps off hand but we can look through the list."

"Okay whatever you want. Tell me when you found one."

"Okay I can do that."

Turningmypaige - Oh come on. You know you'd have more fun with me.

TBNRButt - I can't do that to Rob.

Turningmypaige - And you can't do this to me either. COM EON. you always love it when we 'hang' out

TBNRButt - I do but I promised Rob.


"Oh my god! What?"

" I have been calling your name for the last 10 seconds. Have you been listening at all?"

"No sorry I have been arguing with Paige."

"Okay whatever, I think we should just do a skywars. We love playing skywars."

Shit was that my phone vibrating?

"Okay skywars it is. What server?"

"Your pick."

"OKay then . . . Cubecraft?"

"Cubecraft it is."

Mabe I should just glance at my messages.

Turnthepaige - I promise it will be sooo much fun ;)

TBNRButt - I can't

"OKay I am in. You ready?"

"Yeah. You wanna intro?"

"Yep . ."

I can just check my phone when I die.

/\/\Timeskip to Preston's In Game Death/\/\

"Preston, how do you just jump off an edge?"

"I don't know Rob. But you need to carry on the Poofless legacy."

Okay quick check

Turningmypaige - I am outside babe. You know you wanna ;) Who cares about Rob when I am literally outside?

Oh my god she showed up at my house.

"Umm . . Rob I will be back. I gotta go see Paige."

Rob's POV


Doesn't matter now, I already died.

But what the hell. This is the third time this month. What is so great about Paige that I don't have.

You know what? Fuck him. I don't care.

If he wants to chose Paige before me, I am fine with that. But in front of YouTube, his fans, his own god damn job.

It's like he is not himself, he is this new person with a new life and a new lover.

Like he doesn't care about me or anyone other than Paige.

He left me mid-recording for her. He has ignored me for how long. He barely is himself. And I have to say I hate this new Preston.

And I am going to do something about it. No way is Preston going to continue this, his acting like an ape for a woman.

I know that the rest of the pack is around so they will answer my message (unlike Preston).

I watched as everyone started to come on to the call while Preston still wasn't in my call.

"Yo Rob what's up?" Lachlan said as he joined

"Yeah, what did you want?" Vik said right after him

"You okay?" Mitch said with Jerome is his room listening on.

"This is an intervention. I am done with his shit. Preston is on my nerves and this is the last straw before I personally kill him."

"Woah, what happened?" Jerome asked.

"He left me, mid-recording, to be with Paige. The third time this month. I cannot deal with this."

"Rob it's because he has fallen in love with someone."

"No, he didn't fall in love with someone. He fell into a whole new world trying to catch some stupid fantasy of his."

"Rob, you know how Preston is . . ."

"I do. And this is not Preston. I hate this Preston."

"Rob, how could you say that? I thought you loved him."

"I did, oh I did. But now I wish he would drop into the middle of the ocean, with his girlfriend because they are inseparable, and they both get skinned alive by sharks. I don't care anymore. I wish for him dead."

Everyone was just completely silent, surprised by my sudden change of feeling from love to hate.

"With that, I will than let you decide. Either I leave the Pack or Preston gets kicked from it."

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