Merome - If I Don't Make It Home

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A letter to my one and only love, Jerome,

As you know, I am stationed in this dark dirty and lonely camp for the greatest war ever seen. And my day is coming, and I can feel it creep upon me, closer and closer every day. By now, I don't have long left for it follows me like my shadow.

Jerome, if I don't make it home there are some things I need to get off my chest. They have been haunting me more than my upcoming death. So here you go Jerome my darkest secrets laid out on paper.

Jerome, I wasn't completely faithful to you. We have been together for 5 years now, but some things I haven't told you.

Back in the Team Crafted days, when we started dating, Adam and I were intoxicated and fooled around that night. We promised each other no one would know because I had you and Sky had Alesa.

I kept my lips sealed and we continued dating. I know you though me dating Jess was a whole cover-up, planned by us. But on nights you were gone, we would get together. I only ended it because she thought that I would leave you for her.

At the Ski Trip on the last night, Lachlan and I kissed. He was upset that Vik had brought a girlfriend, less than a month after Lachlan confessed his feelings and Vik turned him down. It went nothing past but I hear that Lachlan eventually stood up to Vik the last day and told him 'he was fine without him.' I tried to downsized that time, saying it only helped Lachlan to forget Vik. But I can't do that today.

But I also know you did something when I was away, so I hope you forget those and remember the great times we had together before the war.

When we got together that one night years ago.

When we first kissed.

When we came out to TC.

When we went on our date.

When we stayed strong through losing TC.

When we moved in together.

When we met the Pack.

When we gave up ourselves to each other.

When you proposed.

When I said yes.

When we told the Pack about our wedding.

When we forgot the world and loved each other.

When we said 'I do.'

When we traveled the world together.

When we adopted Alicia.

When she turned six in our house.

When she went to kindergarten and we cried.

When she came home and told us everything about her day.

When we celebrated our anniversary by going to the same place as our first kiss.

When you supported me in joining the fight.

When you watched me fly away to this camp.

When you pray every night for me to be safe. 

When we love each other no matter what happened to us.

When I remember you ever night and hope you can cope with my death.

And for when you have to explain what happened to Alicia.

For when Alicia wants her dad back.

When the subscribers start crying.

When the Pack mourns with you.

When you cry at my funeral.

When you put flowers on my grave.

And when you remember me every night.

So when I don't make it home, know I am already there in your heart.


A large explosion is heard throughout the small outpost. After a quick inspection, only one body is found. A solider by the name of Mitchell Aceti. It looks as if he was writing a letter, but the top half is burnt off.  The only words remaining begin with

When we got together that one night years ago.

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