Surprise Ship

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Okay Surprise Ship Time!

You will know one half of the ship for most of the one shot.

This is only the beginning so I will update this chapter again with a different name and the rest of the one shot.

Prompt from otp.stuff on Instagram

Person A is a field agent and Person B is their tech partner who speaks through A's earpiece.

Flirting ensues.

Vikk's POV

I peeked out the opaque window of my over-sized SUV. It was a cloudless day down here in California, the sun was showing its full beauty while not a cloud in the world would think of showing up to ruin this gorgeous day. People were everywhere because of the perfect weather. I thought about strolling down to the white sandy beaches, but I was called in for a quick assignment. It wasn't too late in the day so, I planned on quickly finishing and going for a swim, maybe inviting some of my friends later on.So, I had to go down to the large and lifeless structure I call work. Working for the government was one of the most boring and uninteresting job. Sometimes we have an unnatural case, but not often. Today, while in the middle of eating breakfast, I got a call asking me on help with a drug bust. Boss stated that the 'criminal' was not the smartest, so I should be in and out. I pulled into the large and almost towering parking garage, trying to find a convenient place to pull in. On the first floor, I found a space near the large cement elevator, so I quickly backed in and parked my car. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and grabbed my wallet before sliding out of my leather seat and onto the cool, cement pavement. I made my way down to the large elevator leading lobby of the garage. I quickly scanned my eye, letting it recognize me, before the elevator slowly opened to reveal the glass like structure, with a few people waiting for it to take them to their floor. I slid in and pressed the lobby button before letting the doors close and moving us. It was just me, the secretary on the second floor, I believe the janitor and another field agent, who I believe is named Mitch. We rode up to the lobby, or ground floor, and I again slid through the people and walked into the dusty smelling, pure white entrance room. Sandra, the main secretary, was at the front desk wearing what looked like a ruffled shirt that matched her lavender flower in her hair. I walked past and throw her a quick smile, to let her know it was me, before walking into the staff elevator to go up to my floor. The staff elevator was a little bit bigger, but for good reason, it is usually packed to the rim of workers coming and going. I managed to fit in the tight elevator as the doors closed. My shoulders were touching other workers and it really smelled like sweat and feet. But I only had to ride until the fifth floor, so the wait wasn't to long. I quickly jumped out of the elevator when the doors opened, so I wouldn't be trampled by the incoming people.
My floor wasn't the most active, so almost no one was in the lobby. I strolled past the large front desk, with Maria behind it, and made my way down the long and narrow hallway. I was about 5 minutes early so, I knocked first before walking in. My boss called me in and I open and slid in her large office.

"Good evening Vik. I hope I didn't interrupt any plans of yours today."

"I had none ma'am. What's the case you called me in for?"

"A simple drug bust, but I will tell you more when the other half of the mission walks in."

"And who may that be?"

*knock knock knock*

"Come in." Angela said sitting down in her large leather chair to begin briefing us.

Right as she said that, Brandon Hutt walked in the door.

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