Poofless : Invisible

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Preston's POV


Here I am again. Stuck in math staring at your eyes. Your beautiful hazel eyes. And yet your eyes are stuck on your girlfriend, Chelsea. You always see her.

Your eyes never look at me. They only look at her.

And I feel invisible.


Today you were paired with me for a project. The only senior and the only freshman. You looked very cute and you were so nice. I even figured out you game too. I almost got your Skype. Until she came over. Then again, I was invisible. You talked with her the rest of the class. She got to her your sweet nothings, while I figured out the inverses of parabolas. I finished the project and immediately went back to staring at your eyes. I keep getting stuck in them. And I never know why. I just get drawn to them. Soon enough the bell rang and you left with her. Leaving me feel hollow.

But of course, you'll never know.


Today, you and Chelsea got in a fight. I shouldn't be, but I am happy. You never talked to her, you just came over to me and we continued on with the project. It hurt to see you frown, so I made the worst jokes possible. And I brought back your smile and laugh.

How cute.

We finished the project and then we ordered pizza. We ate and talked forever. We have so much in common. And you never brought her up. I told you about myself and you were so happy and peppy. You even showed me your flower crown. I mean come on...kawaii much. You were my last thought when I fell asleep.


And my first thought when I woke up. I went to school with a wide smile, and I could not get rid of it. When I got to math and sat down, I saw you were sitting next to her and making jokes. Except she didn't get any of your gaming jokes. I did and even giggled at a few. Again I found myself envying her and looking at your eyes. Except you starting staring at me during class. When our eyes met, I could not help but smile. And stole glances at each other all math class. When its was our turn to show are project, we both got up and shared our project. Ours was certainly the best. After we presented, you said that we should get some ice cream after school. To finish off the project. So after school, we met up at the nearby ice cream shop. We sat down after we ordered a banana split to share. He complimented me on my work, and I complimented him on his speaking for the project. We continued to go on and on with complimenting each other until our banana split came. We sat and eat the shared ice cream. We talked and talked until they were closing. And when we left, he dragged me to a nearby park. Of course being mature teenagers, we played on the playground equipment. I mean we slid down the slide, tried to do the monkey bars, and now we are here swinging on the swings. Of course, we keep trying to outdo the other in height. I almost fell off a few times but I stayed on just fine. You got sick of the swing and jumped off. I mean at the height of the swing you jumped. You apparently don't have a fear of height like me. Well. We continued to banter around on the playground. We eventually ended upside down on the monkey bars. We were talking back and forth, when your phone rang. You picked it up and just look very sad when you hung it up. I asked what was wrong. You said Chelsea had cheated on you. I jumped off the monkey bars and you did too. So I went over to you and hugged you. We sat hugging while I said reassuring things in your ear. After awhile you looked at me, and asked if all I had said to him was true. I could not help but to crazily nodded my head and agree. We smiled and thanked me. You had a troubling day so you drove me back to my house. When I got to my door, I waved him goodbye. And he drove off.


It was math and instead of sitting with Chelsea, Rob came over to my table and sat down. You seemed broken, but you were happier than most people who have been cheated on. He thanked me for yesterday, and I said it was nothing. Of course, he said he really appreciated it. That you needed someone who was there. I said he could always come to me.

That's when he said he needed to get something off his chest. He said he was actually about to break up with Chelsea. Of course I asked why. He said that she was really distant and he found someone else. My first thought was Lacey, the school's hottest girl. She evened games. But she is dating Vikktoria. (Vikklan, what?!? No.... XD)

I asked who he found and he just smiled. He said that he would tell me after school because people would eavesdrop. Of course I was praying it was me. But with my luck, it would be someone else. My life right? So the day dragged on as my heart was wishing for the best but my mind said to prepare for the worst. So as after school rolled around, my heart was out of my chest and my mind was prepared for a hurricane. I sat out front drawing the tree in front of me when Rob finally came out. He sat down and turned to me. He asked if I was ready and I said yes. He turned to me and said.


He fucking said me. ME. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. meh.

I could not help but to smile so hard it hurt. He just chuckled and asked if I wanted to go get a snack. I said yes and we walked off to a nearby shop. But to before he grabbed my hand.

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