Merome + Vikklan- Enemy Fire

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Mitch's POV

Here we are again. The Hunger Games. 697th time. But this time is better. Instead of 10 random characters, 10 people from our town. The rooster this month is









Ashley Marie



And Jerome and I are so winning this month. No matter what. So when they came to our door and brought us to the arena, we were excited. Everyone else looked so confused when we were almost bouncing off the walls. We have been preparing to make our mark in the Hunger Games. The Benja and Bacca duo are going to win. We were dressed up in the black clothing, black jacket, pants, shirt, shoes, everything, and with that we were put into some kind of pod to go to the arena. But not before we pumped fist and cried for victory.

As the pod rose, I could not help but laugh in happiness and nervousness. I heard that the others were really good but no one can beat us. No matter what in Benja we trust, for Bacca we must. That's our motto. We came up with it on the ride here. And I love it. The pod came to the surface and the glass walls around me, disappeared back into the floor. I look around and saw Jerome on the other side of the center. There was many things laying around the center, from bows to swords. I say Jerome eyeing a stone sword close to him and I saw a bow and some arrows somewhat close to me. But everyone else had their eyes on the diamond sword on top of the center. I looked around and it was mainly woods surrounding us. I did see a beach towards my left. I signaled to Jerome to go that way and we nodded.





I jumped off and sprinted off and past a few others, I leaned down grabbed the bow and arrow and a few things around it before high tailing it towards the beach. I whizzed past tree by tree, I heard yelling from behind me but I never stopped. I made it to the beach and saw Jerome. He hand motioned for me to come over to him, so I did and we hid behind a few trees. It turns out I grabbed the bow, 27 arrows, two steaks, a fish, a flint and steel and an apple. Jerome had a stone sword, wooden axe, mushroom stew, some webs and 9 more arrows. We quickly arranged so we had about equal amounts of food and weapons when I finally read the chat.

Ashley Marie slain by MrWoofless

PrestonPlayz slain by SkyDoesMinecraft.

"Hey...Jerome?" I whisper to him.


"Two are down."

"A team?"

"No from different teams. But I bet a good amount of us have taken damage."

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