Vikklan[1]: What a Cliff Hanger

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Vikk's POV


I quickly slapped my alarm to shut it up and look over at the time. 7 a.m., why? Why this late? I slowly get up and stumble over to my closet and pull out a shirt and some pants. I glance at my mirror and see the mess of my bed hair everywhere. I walk over to my bathroom and fix my hair. I decide to eat some food this morning so I make my way downstairs and hear Josh recording, probably FIFA. I get downstairs to see Simon eating some food. I mutter a hello and find the Shreddies. I pour myself a bowl as Simon starts up a conversation on our recent Cards Against Humanity video.

Simon finishes his granola bar and goes back upstairs to get dressed and prepare his vlog. The Sidemen and Cal's were invited to an event in England for a new game. We get to go around and tour the nearby mountains, rivers, and other beautiful places. Josh's yelling eventually stops and I can now hear Simon starting his vlog. I finish my cereal and drag myself to my room to start up and my own vlog.

. . .

One crazy intro to my vlog later and we are heading out of the door. We are taking my car and Cal's car. Harry, Cal, Callum, JJ, and Ethan were in Cal's car. Simon, Josh, Tobi and I were all in my car. It was about an hour long drive, so I turned on the radio and prepare for hell in traffic.

It was a fun drive with all of us singing and rapping to different songs and goofing off for most of the time. We left town and got out to the county. The views were very pretty, the green you could see for miles. You didn't really feel like this in the city. Out here, we can breathe.

We arrived at the place we were told and we unpiled from the car. We were at like a resort and outside their was an area from all the people to...mingle. We walked over and told the people we had arrived. The other car came a little after us. The events were pretty spaced out and their was a lot to do in between all of the events. We decided to go to 3 events from now to the ending party. They were at 1, 4, and 6. It was now 12:30. We just met a bunch of people before we went to the first event.

The event was on the release of GTA VI. We were all really pumped when we entered and we were really pumped when we left. It looked really cool. I cannot wait to play it with the rest of the boys. It was now 2:30 and we had until 4. A bunch of the boys went to go back to mingle but Cal, Simon and I decided on walking the path around the resort. It was a very scenic resort so the path was so beautiful. Within the first few minute of walking, I had lost the other two and I was still wowed by the scenery. There even was a little part where you could go further up the cliff and to the top. Wanting to kill some time, i walked this path. As I got higher up, I noticed the view somehow got more beautiful as the beginning view of a nearby lake was appearing. It was about a mile later until I got to the top.

Up here you could see the whole resort, the hotel, the lake, the meeting place, you could see it all, Wanting to get a really goos picture of the view I jumped up on a nearby rock. I looked over the resort and pulled out my phone. I switched the camera to see the view and began to take some pictures. I was about to get the last panorama of the view when the rock decided to not be able to support my weight. It shifted under my weight and I fell off of it. I expected to hut the ground but I realized I fell off of the cliff. Before I could even mutter a cry for help, a weight had snagged my arm.

I looked up to see a tall blonde male had grabbed my arm and was trying to haul me back to safety as I dangling off of a cliff. He easily hauled me up over the edge and sat me down.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so so so so so so much." I thanked the male who saved my life.

"Are you alright there?" he said and I instantly recognized his Australian accent.

"Fine. You must be some super human for you to be able to catch me at that second."

"I am no superhero. I am just an average guy."

"You are to me."

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