The Vengeance of Kid Flash

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Superman yelled as his fist collided with Desmond's left cheek, sending Desmond reeling.
The Team below didn't stop watching the battle, being sure to dodge every small airburst from Desmond's punches or stray beams from Superman's eyes.
Except for Batman, who didn't take his emotionless gaze off of his monitor for a second.
"Are his power levels getting any higher?" Flash asked him.
His only reply was a small, murmuring grunt.
"A bit too high..." Batman said worriedly.
Batman began to examine the area around them and realised the damage that Desmond and Superman' fight was causing.
Leaves were being torn from their trees every time a punch landed and the ground was full of craters where they had thrown each other, not to mention that Mount Justice had several holes in it and that the mountain was missing it's apex...
Even Batman was beginning to worry...
"We need to call the fight off." He told everyone.
Everyone looked at him with shock and disappointment.
"Aw, come on!!" Kid Flash protested.
"They are damaging the area and fuelling their egos, Kid Flash." Batman said sternly. "Their fight isn't accomplishing anything."
Kid Flash rolled his eyes.
"What happened to 'field test'?!" he protested. "What about training the kid?!"
He leaned close to Batman.
"What about the bets?!"
Batman stood his ground and kept looking at Desmond and Superman.
"Desmond has the ability to mimic the abilities of any superhero he comes into contact with. It's not really a field test if he is only copying one pow-"
Then the idea hit him.
"We need more powers."he declared.
Wonder Woman looked at him with concern.
"Are you sure you want the whole Justice League here?" she asked. "It may cause a spectacle..."
"Not for us," Batman corrected her. "For Desmond."
You could literally hear the jaw of every person around Batman drop.
"You're joking right?!" Flash yelled in shock. "You want to give that crazy powerhouse MORE POWERS?!"
Wonder Woman nodded in agreement and stood in front of Batman, fuming.
"I agree with Flash! That child does not need more power, he's barely controllable as he is!"
She stood back and folded her arms with a grunt.
"Besides, it would be foolhardy to stand between those two!"
Kid Flash also agreed and nodded rapidly.
"Uncle Barry and Wonder Woman have a point, Batman..."
"Besides," he shrugged. "What kind of idiot would wanna get caught up in THAT?!"
Batman smirked.
"That reminds me, Kid Flash..." he asked suddenly. "Did you ever find out who destroyed your TV?"
Kid Flash looked up with an alarmed look on his face.
"You know who destroyed my TV..?" he asked shyly.
Batman nodded and pointed at Desmond.
"There he is."
Kid Flash's eyes went wide.
"He WHAT?!"
Batman then looked downwards and cupped his thumb and index finger around his chin.
"And if I remember correctly, he also said something about your souvenir collection. Something about it being 'childish' and better off as 'firewood'..."
Kid Flash snapped.
Dick rolled his eyes at how easily baited Kid Flash was.
Kid Flash muttered to himself angrily before pulling down his goggles and storming over to the cave entrance.
"One side, Batman!" he yelled. "I've got me a TV to avenge..."
He flew past them at an impossible speed and jumped into the air with a loud war-cry.
"Hey, COPYCAT!!" he yelled as he ascended. "This is for my TV!!!"
He collided into Desmond and latched onto him before he began to rapidly pound at his face while screaming like a lunatic.
Artemis sighed and made a small face palm before looking towards Batman.
"If my boyfriend gets killed, I'm holding you responsible..." she said flatly.
Batman shook his head, not taking his eyes off of the battle.
"He won't kill Kid Flash, or Superman..."
"How can you be so sure?" Aqualad asked.
"Because if Desmond wanted to kill them, why hasn't he done it already?"
He looked at Wonder Woman and Green Lantern.
"Wonder Woman, Green Lantern...Could you please help Kid Flash and Superman end the fight?"
Wonder Woman nodded and promptly flew off towards Desmond, who was busy trying to pry Kid Flash off himself.
Green Lantern sighed and shrugged before looking at Batman.
"I hope you know what you're doing..."He flew off as his ring flared green.
"So do I..." Batman said as he began adjusting the monitor.
All the Young Justice members looked at him with surprise, then looked at each other and then Dick leaned over to whisper something.
"You didn't really send them up there to end the fight, did you, Batman..?"
Batman smirked again, almost sadistically.
He held up his monitor at Desmond and Kid Flash, eagerly awaiting the results...

Now Kid Flash, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern are going up against Desmond?! :O Wow, who will go up against Desmond next?! Can the fury of Kid Flash and two more Justice League members prevail where the Man of Steel has failed?!
Find out in the next chapter of Young Justice: The Mimic Contingency, which will be one chapter away from the final chapter of Part One!! :D
THEN things will get interesting... :3

-Kai-Shiro :D

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