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"Who is this girl" my wolf said.
What how?
Drako doesn't have any siblings, he is the only one before they were cursed.
" I don't have a sister who are you" Drako said pushing me behind him.
"Well its sad father never told you" Margo said.
"What are you talking about" Drako said in confusion.
No way so what if Drako's father impregnated Marie and had Margo, they do have similar features same nose, eye color and brown hair.
"So your Marie's daughter" I said.
"Bingo" she said.
"So your part witch and vampire" Drako said.
"Yes little brother "she said.
"No this can't be my Johnathan never slept with that witch" Aridina yelled.
"Well well isn't it the bitch who stole my father from my mother" Margo cursed.
"Excuse me but my Johnathan doesn't belong to your slut of a mother " Aridina yelled out of nowhere Margo pounced on Aridina she was too slow to see what was happening Margo already had her by the throat, you could see she didnt even struggle to squeeze every breath from Aridina.
"Don't you dare talk shit about my mother you ungrateful bitch" Margo said.
Just as Margo was going to punch her, Drako grabbed Margo ' s hand.
"Please stop" Drako begged.
Margo saw his expression and let Aridina go, the maids all ran to up to Aridina, while she began sobbing like a child, I believed Aridina was making a fool of herself.
I wasn't so sure what was going to happen but, when I turned around Aridina was gone and and everyone returned into the ballroom. So it was only three of us left.
"Lets go into my studies it's more private" Drako said as he looked at us.
We followed him in silent until he opened these huge mahogany door, when we entered the room it was filled with so many books, I would say at least a thousand book were in one shelf.
"Please take a seat" Drako said to Margo, she sat right infront of him as I just stood near the wall.
"So tell me how did this happen" Drako said as he sat down on the huge chair.
Margo pulled out a book from her pocket and gave Drako the book.

Flash back to Marie's life
A long time ago, when the orginal Vampire family moved to Aragon, they offered so many people jobs.
The whole village worked in the great mansion, when Marie Wallace was hired to be the young masters Maid, she never would think that they would be bonded.
On her first day on the job she waited as the cook prepared the young masters meal.
As she headed to his room with his breakfast she opened the door to the young masters humongous room, her breath was taken away when she noticed a half naked man.
Once their eyes met it was destiny, the young masters rushed toward her and pulled her close to him with his wet naked body.
Marie froze as he came closer to her face.
She was mesmerized by his beautiful blue eyes.
He was inches from her lips, but just as he was about to kiss her, someone knocked on the door.
He quickly grabbed his robe a quickly put it on.
Marie was lost for words as the young master opened the door so quickly.
Who was waiting at the door, it was The young master's mother lady Valoria, she looked like she was near her thirty and very beautiful.
"My son,why aren't you dressed, you must hurry up and get dressed we will be having the Wittmores for lunch and you need to hurry and get properly dress"
She looked at Marie and quickly examined her.
"You girl I want you to get him ready before our company arrives, you got that" Valoria said as she kissed her son's cheeks and left the room.
Marie did as she was told, she quickly went into johnathan's closet and took out his clothes and placed them on his bed.
Just as she placed his jacket she felt two strong arms wrap around her body.
Marie felt butterflies roam around her stomach.
'You can feel it too" Johnathan whispered.
Marie felt his cool breath go down her neck, it brung chills to her.
"What do you mean young master" Marie said as she teased.
johnathan quickly spun her around and kissed her.
It was mixed with lust and passion, Marie never been kissed but the way but it was the most amazing kiss she has ever had.
Everything was a blur as Johnathan undressed Marie.
one thing led to another and he claimed her as his, one bite and she marked as his for life.
As so they thought, life has a funny way of keeping loved ones together put their are people who would do anything to keep them apart.
As both Marie and Johnathan laid in bed together she felt every spark as she touched him, even witches had mates, mother earth wanted everyone to have a life partner and no one gets left behind.
"Wow that was amazing" Marie said. She turned on her side as she examined johnathans hot body.
"It was and you know that we are destined for each other don't you " he said giving her butterfly kisses.
With every kiss, Marie's let out a moan.
Johnathan got up and began leaving kisses allover her body.
It was the most amazing sensation which made her toes curl from such passion.
Adam seemed dominant as he got on top of Marie.
With every release they both would swear they were in a different place and time.
When they were done, their body became numb from such activities.
Soon Marie dressed as she began to do her duties.
Just as Johnathan put on his clothes Valoria barged into his room, she looked at him upset crossed her arms.
"Look what time it is I told you to get ready an hour ago what were you doing" Valoria said.
Good thing Marie was hiding under his bed.
"Mother I am coming, so please calm down" Adam said.
"Fine you better get down in five minutes or I'm going to drag you downstairs myself" Valoria said.
She huffed and puffed as she slammed the door.
Marie quickly got up and ran for the door but who was their to grab her.
Johnathan spun her around and pulled her toward his muscular chest.
"Where are you going in such a hurry" he said.
"I have to go, I have work to do" Marie said as she tried to push him away.
"Oh well I want to see you later" Johnathan said as he pulled her for a kiss.
Marie felt her cheeks burn as she quickly untangled  his hands from her body.
"You don't even know my name, this happened to fast, and I just started working here today what if your mother catches us and I get in big trouble" Marie panicked.
Johnathan noticed how scared she looked so he pulled her into his chest giving her a hug.
"Can you tell me your name beautiful" he said.
" My name is Marie" she whispered.
"Well Marie I promise you nothing will happen to you, if something happens I promise I protect you"
"So is that it, our parents met when my father moved here " Drako said looking for more writing.the pages of Margo's mother's diary.
"She never wrote them like Dairies, more of a stories" Margo said.
"Well where are the other pages it looks like someone ripped them out " Drako said.
"They were like that when I found them, but I know what your going to say, but my mother had father's bite and I came here to find any clue on him " Margo said.
"You should stay Margo, if you need help I will help you find the pieces to this puzzle" I said.
Margo smiled while Drako looked upset.
"Thank sis" Margo said getting up and giving me a hug.
"Ok I guess you can stay but please don't cause any problems with my mother" Drako said.
"Ugh I can't make any promises but I'll try my best little brother" Margo smiled.
I headed out first and went to look for baby Rose.
Just as I walked into my room I saw baby Rose fast asleep I picked her up and noticed her make cute little baby noises.
For some reason I fell in love with Rose she was so precious and innocent.
I took out her cute little dress and put on her onsie, than i placed her bassinet close to my bed as I placed the sweet little girl down to sleep.
I saw Emily return with a bottle in her hand.
"Your highness" Emily said as she bowed.
"Hello Emily" I said.
" I went down stairs go reheat the child's bottle at a perfect degree" Emily said as she handed me the bottle.
I took a sample and she was right it was at a good degree not too hot or too cold but just right.
"Thank you so much for caring for Rose" I said.
I placed the bottle in Rose's lips as she began to drink away.
"Your welcome your highness, your such a nice person " Emily said she sat next to me on the bed.
"Thank you so much Emily, your not so bad your self " I said.
It was quiet until Drako walked in.
"You are needed at the ballroom, we have to cut the cake" Drako said.
I sighed as in reached his hand and walked down the stairs with him.
"You know I think it was nice that you let Margo stay with us" I said.
"Well I didn't have a choice I mean I heard talk about my father messing around with a maid but I just took it as his little play toy not his actual mate you know" Drako said
"Well if their are clues in this house maybe you should help too and find things about this mystery" I said.
As the big door opened we saw everyone waiting.
"I guess I could" he said.
I nodded as I looked at my handsome mate.
Love never crossed my mind before I turned, all I thought was about me being nice and supporting my fellow lycans and my werewolf family, but now it extended to vampires as well.
I sure do have a crazy family tree now.
It makes me imagine how my offspring would react to being something new to this world, what would they look like would they live in peace or worse would they be hunted from scared creatures who do not understand them.
It gave me goosebumps thinking such bad things about my future childrens fate.
"Are you ok" Drako said.
Everyone else were dancing as me and Drako sat at the throne.
"Yeah just a little tired" I said fake yawning.
"How about in ten minutes you can go to sleep ok how does that sound" Drako said.
"Ok thats fine" I said.
Everyone was having a merry day as me and Drako danced a couple of songs before I headed back into our room.
As I entered the room their was someone near Rose's bassinet.
I used my night vision and saw the figure holding baby Rose in its Arm.
It looked like something out of a horror movie.
This creature hovered around my sleeping Rose , it had a greenish scaley skin and grey thick hair, it looked like it belonged in the swamp, the creature had piercing black eyes and razor sharp teeth.
I was scared for my life as it hovered around Rose.
What was I going to do?

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