chapter 15

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Tears started pouring out of my eyes.

How could this had happen why was i so careless now my child wont grow up without a father.

I couldn't sleep all night I woke up at 6 and ran to the nearest bathroom.

The symptoms were already


When i looked in the mirror I had a little bump I haven't noticed it so i wore a very loose biege blouse and leggings.

I ate breakfast before i left and arrived in Washington in about 12:05pm

Sheila was already waiting for me.

"Hello sweety how are you " shiela said.

Giving me a big bear hug.

"I have been good just getting my life together so how is everyone"

She looked concerned something was up, she would never keep secret from me or would she.

"I'll explain everything later lets go eat some lunch that i promised"

I just nodded when we got into her car we went to a local diner.

I ordered a cheese burger with fries and tea.

While shiela ordered a garden salad and water.

When i saw those food infront of me i ate like their was no tomorrow.

"Well someone is hungry aren't they"shiela said

I looked up to her not noticing that i was eating so fast.

"Its been a while that I had a cheese burger, it looked so tasty"

Taking the last bite of my burger while shiela barely touched hers.

"Well at least your eating habits have improved" shiela said.

I knew she would bring it up she always does anything I did to harm my self in the past she always bring it to the table.

"Can we not talk about this" I said glaring at her

I don't like people bringing up my past and my mistakes no one is perfect.

"Sorry I didn't mean to upset you"

I softened my feature I don't blame her for my action so i just grabbed her hand.

"No I'm sorry can we just forget about it" i said.

"Of course my dear"

While i ate all my fries shiela was telling me how things have been with her. But she never mentioned Valko, knowing it was a sensative subject.

After we ate she drove me past her house.

"Where are we going I thought we are going to your house" i said looking at her confused.

"No we are going to the pack house their they have the archive of your parents when they visited about 400 years ago, i really want you to see them"she said.

My heart started to pound faster knowing we were going to Valkos pack and their's a possibility that I would see him their.

"So does he know I'm coming"

Looking at shiela as she clutches the wheel.

"No he dosn't, he has no clue but he is in a meeting now so you wont see him hopefully"

When we reached the record room she grabbed me by the arm leading me in the far end of the building their was a secret room.

Their she took a box full of files and books.

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