chapter 21

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It's been a couple or days since the attack, our pack was still recovering, when Drako found out my pup was his mate he called off the fight and that was the last time I saw him.

"Ok Layla we really need to name our little girl" Valko said.

He was holding two baby books full of names, he was very impatient.

I just sat in my rocking chair with my baby in my arm.

The whole pack members came in and installed everything that the baby would need it only took one afternoon  for it to become a nursery.

"Well I don't like some of them, I feel like it doesn't fit her personality ." I said.

I got up and placed my happy baby on her bed all she does is smile.

"She's a baby she doesn't have a personality" Valko said giving me the baby books.

I just shrugged my shoulder and walked to a desk and looked at some names and I landed on one
Ashland "land of ash trees"

In my perspective I've never met a girl name Ashland.

So I walked over to my babys  bed their she layed looking around.

"Ashland" I said.

Right after I said that she immediately looked up to me and smiled

"My dear little Ashland"  I said touching her soft skin.

All she did was make baby noise.

"I like the name Ashland what about you" I said.

He looked down at baby Ashland, and nodded.

"I love it Ashland king" Valko said.

As I laid next to Valko I felt him embrace me in his strong arm.

"So my parents called , they want us to think about runing the Kingdom"  I said.

He just kissed me on my forehead.

" Yeah I mean I don't think it's that hard running a kingdom I mean it's your right, your their heir so I  guess we could leave next week but I must teach jason the ropes of being Alpha" Valko said.

So it was settled we were going to leave Valkos pack to run my parents kingdom,

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