chapter 3

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When i opened the door their he stood the guy i just met this morning at my house again, i thought to myself why didnt i feel the bond connection when we met earlier I mean I would've felt it.
"Our mate is here for us" my wolf said
Suddenly it hit me, I haven't taken my potion to conceal my scent,  it was too late he sensed me already.
Valko was just staring at me, he had a sad look and a hint of regret.
"I have to go now bye" Valko said.
Something was wrong I tried not show it.
"But you just got here," I said.
He quickly walked away without saying another word. I quickly followed him

"Wait why are you leaving so suddenly, what did i do wrong" i said he just stood their looking at the ground trying not to make eye contact.

"I'm sorry I can't layla I already have a wife it's too late I am sorry"valko said as walked away

He just stopped at his car and than he quickly turned to face me.

"I Valko Green reject you Layla as my mate" he said he quickly got into his car and he drove off without looking back.

When he said those word it broke me so bad i felt as if i had a heart attack, i feel to the ground knowing he didnt want me and he already found someone else to love.
I clinched my hands close to my heart hoping the pain would go away.
I didn't know how long I was their but
I didnt cry I was too strong to even think about it, as i got up I heard shiela come down from the porch.

"Are you alright layla, who was that at the door"she said running toward me.

The pain slowly faded away, and i was able to get up, Shiela held my hand as I stood up.

"It was My mate," i responded.

She looked a little puzzled.

"Who is it?"shiela said.

"It was Valko king"

Shiela's smile faded, she quickly grabbed my arms and led me to a bench by the pond.

"I met him this morning, he came to my house," i said staring at the colorful fishes shiela had in her pond.

"You never mentioned that you met him this morning?"shiela said.

"I didn't metion him because it wasnt a big deal, i guess the potion i made yesterday wasnt as strong as I thought I hoped for it to hold on for a couple of more days" i shrugged my shoulder

"What potion did you use"she questioned me.

"I used the one to conceal my wolf from me" i said.

I know she was gonna get so mad at me for trying to hid my wolf scent from other wolf.

"You did what why would you do that, that is not the way i raised you young lady, why would you conceal your wolf from your mate" she looked away from me.

"How was I suppose to know my mate was here i only did it so i can pass this territory without the guards knowing I'm a rogue " I sighed knowing it wasnt a good idea coming here.

"Well i think we should make another so when you go home no one will know" she grabbed my hand We headed inside to talk more about how things have changed here.

She made me the potion and i took a sip it wasnt bad she added a vanilla flavors, so now my wolf smells like vanilla not my original smell which is cherry blossom.

, when i looked at my phone it was already 5:54 p.m.

We said our goodnights and I headed out the door,

I never noticed how nice it was when the sun was setting.

When i got home it was already 6:32 p.m.

"Damnit i need to put these things away asap" with that i used my super fast speed and took everything out of my moving boxes and organized the whole house. It only took an hour to put away all of my belongings into the house.

"Now all i need is a bed some nice couches for my den and a big 80 inch tv plasma tv oh plus a home theater for my den as well" i was having a happy dance knowing i finished all my task.

After i put away the empty boxes away in the garage i layed on the my sleeping bag I found in my stuff,  i really need to buy some furniture tomorrow, I thought to myself.

Even though i was wide awake I can't get him out of my mind, thinking about him made me get butterflies. Why was he affecting me like this after he rejected me.

I have to get him out of my mind.
"Valko Green," I whispered as i fell asleep

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