Chapter 3

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"What is she doing here" I ask.

"I invited her" Ty says going over to her and have her a hug. He was the only one to do so.

I sigh before I say "fine."

I go over and sit on the floor, against Mitch legs since there wasn't anymore seats since Ashley took the last seat. Next to Mitch and not next to Ty. Mitch starts playing with my hair and I just let him so he could get used to the color.

"So how've you been" Tiffany asks Ashley.

"I'm good, been a lot better" she says.

"Yeah breaking up a relationship" I murmur so that no one could hear me

"What" Ashley asks me.

"Nothing, unless you think it's offensive to talk to myself once in a while" I said putting my hands up like I was getting arrested.

"No you said something about me" she said standing up. The others just stared at us.

"I said nothing, unless you want me to repeat what is private to me" I said. I wasn't gonna actually say what I said because I would get questions since I'm dating Mitch.

"Go ahead, I am all ears" she says. I stand up before I say what I have to say.

"Well you obviously loved it when you cheated on you boyfriend for Ty" I said. She for red in the face from anger.

She then charged at me, knocking me over into Mitch since he was sitting right behind me. I could tell that he was in pain for we hit him in a bad spot.

Ashley started clawing at my arms that were protecting my face. I sacrificed my face to a few scratches as I reach my hand up and pull her hair before I punch her in the gut. This made her take a few steps back so I could get up. She ran for me again but before I could get knocked down again a hand reached out of nowhere and pushed me into the couch as Ashley rammed into whoever pushed me. I heard a scream of pain. I know that voice anywhere. I looked over to see Mitch on the floor with his leg bent a weird way.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" I yelled at Ashley as I push her off of him and kneel down next to him. I hear someone talking on the phone as Ty grabs Ashley and drags her out of the house.

I held Mitch hand as a few years of pain came down his face.

"It's okay" I said as I awkwardly hug him.

It wasn't till I hear the ambulance when I look at my arms to see tons of blood covering them. I then get a little drowsy. I hear the door open and people rushing in when everything went black.

I woke up to the sound of the monitor beeping beside me.

I open my eyes and blink a few times before I look around to see that I am, for sure in a hospital. I sigh before I started getting worried.

Is Mitch okay.
Is his leg broken
It's all my fault
I should have shut up
What if he is seriously injured

All these went through my head before I fell asleep again.

The next time I woke up is because I heard the door open and the sound of feet.

I open my eyes to see Jason pushing Mitch in a wheel chair.

"How's your leg" I ask.

"It broke so now I have to wear a cast and stuff for a while" he says.

"Oh, when do we get out of here" I ask.

"Actually we can page now, we were waiting for you to wake up" Jason says and hands me some clothes. He then backs up, pulling Mitch with him.

I get up and go to the bathroom and change into the clothes that Jason have me. I can tell that Tiffy picked them out since they are something I would wear.

As soon as I was done changing I walked out of the room and saw them sitting on the other side of the hall.

"Lets go" I said. Jason gets up as I start pushing Mitch towards the entrance. Jason signed is out.

When we get to the car we help Mitch into the back before putting the wheel chair in the trunk. I get in the front and turn on the radio. Stitches by Shawn Menses starts playing.

We listen to that on our way back to the house. I state out the window with my head on it.

It was actually raining for the first time in a long time.

When we got home the moving trailer was waiting for us to put the furniture and all that in it.

I sigh as I walk into the house. The house seemed bare since the guys helped pack the living room and kitchen stuff while we were on the hospital. I look around to see the whole room was already in the trailer since there was nothing in the living room at all.

All the guys were sitting on the floor eating burgers. I sit down next to them and stared off into space as the guys talked about some stuff. Jason and Preston, who I was sitting next to, were talking about the school me and Jason would be going to. Apparently it's a pretty big school so I have to deal with a lot of new people. Great. At this point I don't want to talk to any new people really. If they know Preston and them them I will talk to them but if their not friends with them I won't talk to them. Its sounds simple but it's hard. Especially when there are a lot of people.

I finished eating so I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I put the paper plate in the garbage and sat at the island. Jason should be the one that gets to talk to them without me. I mean I am the one he gets stuck with, along with Preston.

I go on my phone to look at Twitter to see that Mitch posted a picture of me. I click on it to see me smiling at something Jason said. I look at the comments to see most of them are hate comments. Mitch told me to shut them out, but when there's only 1 out of 50 comments that are good it's hard. Also, most of them are mainly go kill yourself.

Or go to hell he's mine bitch.

I put my phone down on the table and put my head in my arms like I do at lunch so I can take a nap. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, the guys voices from the other room drifting into my ears.

But what if those people are right?

Frozen Blade (SDMN/Pack/TC FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora