Chapter 19

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I walk to the auditorium for one last dress rehearsal. I walk in and Brown tells me to get changed into outfit one. I walk into the changing room and change into Belles first costume.

I sit down and the stage managers put the 'natural' makeup on and sends me out. I walk out of the changing room and walked over to the stage, waiting for the others to finish getting ready.

I grab my first prop, a book. I open it up and read it as I walk across the stage. The villagers moving and singing around me as I go around the stage, soon making my way to the fountain. I sit down and sing my part. Gaston doing his part and coming over, taking my book. This starting the dress rehearsal.

The curtains are closed and the cast is ready for the play to start. I peek out at the crowd from the side and see the huge crowd, spotting the guys. I get nervous as the stage manager says 5 minutes left till Brown for about to talk to the crowd, basically for them to get there attention on the stage.

Brown walks off stage, the curtains still closed. I hold onto my book as the curtain opens and the villagers do What they are suppose to do. When it's time for me to go on I open my book and walk on stage.

I go backstage and change into the ballgown. I walk over to the make up stuff and they do my makeup and hair before sending me off. I walk out and wait for my cue. I walk out, smiling. I go over to Beast(Mitch) and did what we need to do. The music starts and we start dancing.

Mrs Pitas, Clogsworth, and Lumiere say there lines and soon the dance was over. I smile at Beast before we go to the next scene. Me having to change back.

When the play was done Brown told me to wear my ballgown so I was wearing that when I shook hands with the people walking out.

I walk out and go to where I need to stand. In between Beast and Gaston. The first person I see is Vikk. He comes around the corner, shaking the kids hands and when he gets to me he gives me a hug before going. The sidemen weren't behind him though. I keep shaking hands with people until Mitchs mom got to us. She hugged us both at the same time, making it weird. She then goes on. The sidemen were not that far behind her but they skip Mitch and over to me. They all gave me a hug and Simon have me a high five and a hug.

I change back into my normal clothes and go out the door to find the guys.

"Hey guys" I said as i walked over to them.

"Hey, so are you done, is that it" Josh asks me.

"Nope silly, I have two more performances, there's always two or three shows" I said.

"Oh" he says as I got in the car. I laugh at him as Simon and him get in the car. Vikk got in the passenger while Cal drove. I take out my phone and noticed that Simon mentioned me in a tweet. I looked at it to see me on stage, dancing with Beast, and Vikk but it was a video. I watched the video.

It had me walking through the streets but then the view turned to see Vikk who was staring at me intensely. Then Simon caught his attention with words.

"Caught in the act" he said and Vikk looked at him before looking away, turning red.

The video stopped and I turned off my phone and cuddled into my hoodie before putting my head on Josh's shoulder, well more like arm since I was cuddling into my hoodie so far and he's taller than me.

I yawn and close my eyes only to fling them open when we swerve to the right, flinging me into Simon. The car is then hit by a car, flinging me forward, the seatbelt keeps me from hitting the console. The car swerves to a stop and I sit up. I look over at Simon and see he is okay like I am. I look over at Josh to see him out, his head resting on the window.

I scoot over to him and rest a hand on his shoulder, moving his head to see blood. I turn around to see Simon calling an ambulance while trying to open his door, which is stuck because of a pole. I look in the front and gasp. Cal has his head on the steering wheel,blood seeping out of his head.

Vikk has his head on the dash,blood also seeping out of it, but that's not it. His arm is penetrated by a piece of metal that broke.

I grab Simons arm as I state at Vikk. He pulls me closer and I stuff my head into the side of his chest as I hear sirens coming closer.

The door on Joshs side is pried open and the take Josh off before helping me and Simon out, giving us one of those shock blankets.

We sit down on one of the ambulances as they try to get Vikk and Cal out, without tearing Vikks arm.

"What happened" Tobi asked as him and JJ run up to us.

"Car crash, but we didn't get hit that hard, Vikk probably has it worse than anybody" Simon said as I watched them lift Vikk up and bring him to the ambulance. A paramedic comes over.

"Do one of you want to ride with that one" she said pointing to Vikk.

"I do" I said getting up and going over there. I get in after Vikk and sit down, grabbing his hand on his good arm.

When we get to the hospital they rush Vikk off to surgery and tell me to go to the waiting room. I sit down and rest against the seat. I soon close my eyes, dreaming of Vikk being safe.

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