Chapter 39

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I step out of the car, the place looking exactly as I saw it in my dreams. I walk down to the lake to see a shimmering light where the blade was in my dream. I walk on the deck until i get to the end. I lay down on the hard dock as my shoulders and head go over the edge. I look underneath the dock to find nothing there but a mirror, which is reflecting a light from the loon. I get up and turn around to see Adam and Tori talking to a guy who looked the same age as us. He had dark hair and i could faintly see the freckles sprawled all over his face. He was wearing a normal black tee shirt and black basketball shorts standing next to a bike, next to him i see a younger version of him whose running around until Tori hits him slightly in the shoulder. Im guessing she knows them. I walk up to the beach and walk on the sand until I reach them.

"Hey Alex, this is Tomas, Tomas this is my friend Alex," Tori says.

"Nice to meet you," Tomas says.

"As well as you," I replied. Adam rolls his eyes as he walks away towards the bathrooms. I turn back to see the little kid racing an invisible person around yelling "AND 69 WINS!". Tomas and Tori just stare at him before he yelled at them to 'do it' already. Tomas goes a light shade of red before yelling at his brother while Tori just rolls her eyes and i could tell she was mentally face palming. I roll my own eyes and walk away towards the loon.

As I get in front of the Loon I notice that the blade is surely in its beak, but how do i get up there?

"TORI COME HERE FOR A SECOND!" I yell to her. Seconds later I hear her footsteps behind me.

"Is there anyway to climb this thing?" I ask her as I look up at the beak.

"Yea, most of the kids climb up to the head by the back but they usually don't have shoes on because there feet usually give a better grip," she says as she also looks up at the loon. I take my shoes off and throw them to the side before I go behind the loon. I put my foot up and put it on his tail, lifting myself up before I continue climbing. I soon got to the neck but didn't go any higher as I saw Vik, Preston, Jason, and Tobi over where we were standing next to the beach before. As I looked closer I could see they were all discussing things and then I saw it. His brown hair cant be mistaken, up in the same hair style as Simon's just more pointier, then his face popped out and I froze.

Mitch was there, staring right at me, his eyes staring into mine as if he was trying to take my soul. Maybe he was since I was frozen in place. I notice Tori turn to look at the guys and she spotted Mitch. She walked over to the car that he was hiding behind and opens the drivers door, reaches in and grabs her phone and her water bottle. She then turns around towards me as she unscrews the water bottle.

As Mitch popped back up she turns around and splashes him with water. But to her advantage it was in the freezer until we picked her up. He screams from the cold and everyone turns to see him standing there, his shirt soaked. He stares at Tori with evil eyes and she slowly starts backing up but before she could get far Mitch was running after her and since she isnt physically healthy technically since she cant run that much since she runs out of breathe fast Mitch was able to grab her in mere seconds. He puts his arm around her neck as she put her hands on his forearm, not wanting it to go any closer so she would be short of breathe. I wouldnt blame her if she were to have either an asthma attack or a anxiety attack. I practically jump off the loon and run over to them and stop next to Adam, Jason, Preston, Vik, and Tobi. Then I notice that Tomas and hsi brother were not that far behind Mitch since they were leaving. Tomas had his hand over his brothers mouth so he wouldnt do anything stupid.

"I see you made new friends, this one is cute though. I might keep her," Mitch said as he looked at Tori. Her face went into full panic mode.

"Leave her out of this, its just between you and me," I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

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