Chapter 24

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May 20

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL my mind yells at me. I hop out of bed and get into some clothes before i bound down the steps into the kitchen.

I grab a bowl of lucky charms and sadly for the others I finish it off so they have to eat the mini wheats, which the guys hate. I smile as I hear footsteps pound down the steps and in comes Vikk. My smile instantly fades as he walks over to the cupboard that's holds the cereal. He looks in and searches before taking his head out.

"WHO FINISHED OFF THE LUCKY CHARMS" he yells before he turns around and sees me, with a bowl of cereal, and a box of lucky charms in the trash. I give him an innocent smile and took a bite of my cereal. In that moment I knew I was in trouble as I heard a herd of footsteps coming down the stairs. I look at Vikk who looked like he was about to burst into laughter. I eat faster but it was a too late. In the doorway was all the guys, staring at me and the last bowl of lucky charms. I look down before I look up, wrapping my arms around the bowl. Than they charged at me.

"WAIT"I yell making them stop in their tracks.

"One, first come first serve, two you guys realize that, even if you get this one half bowl of cereal away from me only one of you could have it" I stated.

"She's got a point" Simon and Josh say at the same time. They all then grabbed a bowl of mini wheats except for Vikk who decided to make toast instead.

I go upstairs to my room and grab my essential stuff, aka the stuff I bring everywhere including my backpack. I walk back downstairs and sit down on the chair in the living room. I turn on my phone and scroll through Twitter.

"Lets go" Simon says walking into the living room, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. I stand up and follow him out the door. Vikk stays behind for a few minutes before following us. I still remember when he explained why he was kissing another girl in my room..

"Look guys I'm sorry, when you were gone a a random fan knocked on our door and started talking to me. She then kissed me and dragged me upstairs to the spare room"

I didn't believe him at first but after a week or two I forgave him. He is getting more comfortable around me ever since I yelled at him and accidentally told the whole street that I love Vikkram Barn. Yes I did say love not loved. I still love him.

When we get to the school I part from Simon and go to my locker. I open up my bag and started putting my locker decorations into it before I shove the locker closed, with my bag in it. I begin walking down the hall to my first class which we are just gonna play bombardment (a game like dodgeball but you have to knock down 3 pins to win or get all the people on the other team out). Since we brought our gym clothes home yesterday.

So, I chose one of the worst days to wear what im wearing, but hey it's better than looking like one of those sport freaks all day.

I walk into the gym by myself. I see the guys in the corner talking amongt themselves, but one was missing. I look around and spot him in the other corner. I start walking over to him.

"Why can't they get together already."

"They would look so cute together."

These are some things people said as I passed a crowd of girls.

I hear a couple whistle as I go past the boys from our grade.

"Damn girl, you should wear dresses more often" a guy yells. I wrap my arms around me since I now they were talking about me.

I get to him and kneel down next to him, the sound of my heels clicking on the floor letting him know a presence is near him. He looks up and his eyes are all red and puffy.

"Oh my god are you okay" I ask.

"No, the boys hate me still and if you couldnt tell by the bruise on my cheek one of them punched me" he said as he looked at the guys. I look at them and saw Simon turn back to the guys. It's no secret that we was watching us.

I take a deep breathe before I talk more. "How long has Simon or Josh been beating on you."

"Simon for four weeks" he mumbles, looking down.

"FOUR WEEKS" I scream a little to loudly as everyone looks over at us.

"What are you looking at" I said loudly as I glare at them. They all turn back to what they are doing except for Simon.

"You wouldn't mind if I had a talk with Simon about this do you" I ask him.

"Go ahead, you would probably end up talking to him about it anyways" Vikk said with a small chuckle.

"Okay I'll do it tomorrow, tonight we are going out to celebrate the end of the school year, just you and me" I said before side hugging him. He hugs back.

"That would be awesome" he said, his excitement showing in his face and his voice.

"Come on" I said laughing. He stands up and holds out a hand for me. I grab it and whoosh I'm standing next to him.

"I'm gonna stick next to you for the whole day, and if Simon gets mad at you or punched you again, tell me even if he says to not tell anyone. I'm not just anyone, I'm your friend with an unbreakable bond" I said to him as I squeeze his hand.

"Okay" he says. I let go of his hand and we walk side by side to the guys. I earn a few whistles before someone took it too far and slapped my but. I whirl around to see Mason, the blonde jock. I punch him in the face, giving an innocent smile before turning around and walking with Vikk to the guys. The teacher walked in a minute later.

I high five Vikk and smile at him.

Out of the corner of my vision I see Simon glare at Vikk. I can also see that Vikk saw it as well. I can tell as his eyes went from bright to dull.

Good thing he has all of his classes with me and im not leaving his side.

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