Chapter 7

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I fall on my bed. We just got back home about 3 minutes ago.

I look out the window and saw a bird's nest. I get up and walked over to the window, sitting on the window seat. I watch as the mother bird comes and feeds the baby bird's. I smile as I watch them.

When the mother bird leaves again I get up go over to the desk and started writing on my book I'm making.

I decided to take a beak. Its been an hour.

I walk downstairs and went into the kitchen and grabbed some food. I make myself a turkey sandwhich.

I sit down at the island and start eating the sandwhich. I hear people stomping down the stairs. I look over to see Preston and Jason running down the stairs. They come into the kitchen.


"Yay" I said sarcastically.

"Well we are going to the same school as the sidemen" Preston says.

"Yay I get to see Josh" I said happy.

"And they are also in our grade" he adds.

"Even better" I said.

"Also they were wondering if we all wanted to go out for supper"Preston says.

"Okay" I said smiling.

"Okay go do whatever we leave at 6 and it is currently....2:38" Jason says.

"Okay" I said. I finish my sandwhich and go back to my room. I pick out an outfit and all that stuff before I grab a book and sit on the window seat. I started reading the first book of the Mortal Instruments series. This is my 3rd time reading this series it's my absolute favorite series in the world. I'm glad that they are making a show on it.

I was on the second chapter when I put the book down. I for up and grabbed my iPod. I plugin my iPod to my stereo and played stitches by Shawn mendes. I am practically blasting it.

I dance around in my room. I barely hear the door open. I turn around to see Preston, Jason and Simon?

"Is this a dance party now" I ask as I stop dancing.

"Okay I guess it is but two of the other sidemen are here, that includes Josh and Vikk" Preston says.

"JOSH IS HERE" I yell.

"Yes" Simon says. I push past them and run downstairs. I mean I just saw him a few hours ago but still. I go into the kitchen and slowed into a walk. I go over to Josh and give him a hug.

"Hi Josh" I said

"Hi Alex" Josh says as we pull away.

"Hi Vikk" I say as I pull Vikk in for a hug. I pull away as the others walk into the room. I run back up to my room and stopped my music. I grab my book before I go back downstairs. I sit down on a chair next to Simon and I start reading my book again.


I look at my phone before I pick it up. I read the text to find that it was Tiffany.

T:Hey alex

A: Hey Tiff

T: How's life

A: good and bad. I found my long lost brother who is in the sidemen but this morning Mitch broke up with me


A: yeah but I just let out a few tears and for over it. I'm used to it after what happened with Ty but it did hurt a little. But next time I get heart broken I might break badly.

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