Chapter 16

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I put the controller down and leave my room, heading downstairs. I walk into the living room to see Josh sleeping. I walk into the kitchen and grab a yogurt from the fridge.

I sit down and eat it. I state out the window as I saw kids from school walking by.

Wouldn't the guys be home by now. I stand up and go to the window and sit down, watching. I look at the time. Yep they should be home by now.

Maybe Cal and JJ had to stay back so the guys are waiting for them.

They could be stuck in traffic.

Or they could be being held back by Mitch and his buddies.

I get up and go to the bathroom. When I'm done i wash my hands. I walk out as the door opens with Jason walking in with a black eye and a busted lip.

"What happened" I ask as I walk over to them.

Simon starts, "Well..."

Jason stands next to my locker, already ready to go. I grab my stuff from my locker.

"Did you have a run in with Mitch yet" Jason asks.

"No, you" I ask.

"Nope" he says as we open the doors and walk down the stairs. As we walk towards Cals car I notice that no ones there yet.

We sit on top of the car, Jason laying down. I close my eyes and think, that is until I heard footsteps. I open my eyes to see Mitch and his jock friends. One of his jock friends grab me as Mitch pulls Jason off. Mitch then started beating the deal out of Jason, only hitting his head a few times-causing the black eye and the busted lip-but mainly his body. I went into shock mode and I just stood there as the jock lets go of me and Mitch throws him to the ground. I stood there as the guys came over.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" Cal screams at me.

"It wasn't Simon, it was Mitch" Jason said.

"That Bastard" cal says as he helps Jason into the car and dragged me in after.

I should have done something I thought as I stared out the window.

When we for home Alex asks what happened but I slip past everyone and go up to my room.

"SIMON DID WHAT" I heard her yell.


I hear a door open and footsteps go down the stairs. I put my back on the door and slowly go to the ground as she got more and more furous and frustrated with me. I hear footsteps pound up the stairs before there was a knock on the door.

"Simon let me in" she says sternly. She sounded like a police ma-woman.

"Simon, now" she said. She kept telling him to open the door.

I get up and go to the window. Opening it and climbing outside into the tree. I climb down the tree and I start running to the nearest park.

I take a deep breathe and take in the scent of nature. Its calming out here and you don't have to worry about anything. Its so relaxing.

I sit down on a bench and close my eyes. The next thing I know I'm asleep, on a bench, in the middle of a park. Like a hobo.

Back to Alex's sight--

I open Simons door to find him gone.

"GUYS HES GONE" I yell down the stairs as I walk down.

"Where could he have gone" Vikk asks as I sit down next to him on the couch.

We then start discussing where we would have gone.

Then it clicked.

"THE PARK" I yell jumping up. I slip my shows on and grab a sweater as I run out the door and to the nearest park.

I looked through the park and when I'm about to give up a I notice him. I walk towards him to see him asleep.

I run over to him and grabbed his hand. It was cold.

"Simon wake up" I said. As I said this his face scrunched up like he was having a nightmare.

"No no no, leave me alone, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM IT" he said raising his voice with every word.

His eyes fling open as he yells no again.

"Shh calm down Simon, you were having a nightmare, can you tell me on the way home" I ask.

"Okay" he says as he gets off the bench. We both start heading home.

"I was on a shore of a lake, I was walking along when I saw you running up to a blade thing on the deck. A dude who looked like Ty ran up behind you and grabbed it, only to freeze. Then Vikk ran up to you and said something before Ashley ran up and pushed Vikk into the sword, making him freeze" he said finishing his nightmare right as we got to the door.

"That is very close to a dream I had a while back but it only went to Vikk running up to me" I said as I open the door only to get engulfed in a hug by Vikk. Before I had the to me to hug him back, he pulled away and hugged Simon.

I yawned before I walk into the living room and watched Simon and JJ play Fifa. During the game I fell asleep on Vikks shoulder.

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