Chapter 9

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When we get home I go up to my room. I throw my bag to the side and flop into the bed.

I get half a year of silence only to move and get bullied again. I have a feeling this is gonna happen a lot. From what Vikk says.

Me and Vikk walk to the last class of the day.

"Not to point things out but that girl will stop for nothing when she wants something and right now she wants Josh, I think that since you are the only girl in the group, she is jelous because you are close to him but they don't know that you are his sister" he says looking at me.

"I can understand but I think I have worst things to worry about, Mitch bullied me because he thought he would never get me and since he moved back I think it will start back up" I said being honest. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pulled me in for a hug.

"Things will be alright, hopefully" Vikk says.

I sigh as I slowly roll off of the bed. I get up and go over to the computer.

I play Minecraft for a bit until there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" I said loud enough as I turn around. The door opened to reveal Preston.

"Hey Alex, what do you want for supper" he asks.

"Can we get prizza" I ask.

"Sure" He says leaving and closing the door.

I save my world before I get up and start reading my book.


I jump as I looked up. I get up and put the book down. I walk towards my door slowly.

Right as I was about to open it the door flies open and I end up getting in between the door and the wall. People with masks and knifes storm into the room. Seriously only two night and were already getting robbed.

I stay where I am as the guys search the room. There not taking anything they are just searching.

"Where is it, that girl should have that stupid necklace with the book on it" a guy says. I put my hand up to the necklace I was wearing. I go around the door and make my way to the bathroom. I go to close the door when it squeks. I stop moving as I heard someone yell. I close the door faster and lock it before going to the window.

"SHE MUST BE WEARING IT" A guy yells. Then I hear arguing coming from downstairs. I take a deep breathe before taking the necklace off. I open the window. I look around and find a nail sticking out. I reach over and stick the necklace to the nail. I close the window, turning around and unlocking the door.

Here goes nothing.

I open the door and run downstairs to see two men holding knifes towards Jason and Preston who were on the couch. I take in a ragged breathe before I turn around only to run into I one of them.

"FOUND THE GIRL" the guy yells. There were footsteps as more people came down the stairs. The dude infront of me grabs my arm and brings me over to Jason and Preston. Making me sit in the middle.

"Where is the necklace" another guy asks.

"Which one" I ask.

"The one with a little book on it" he explains.

"I'm sorry but I don't have a necklace that looks like that" I said.


"I must've forgot it when I moved for the second time" I said.

"We already searched your old house and that dudes house" the guy says annoyed.

"Maybe I left it at a friends I don't know" I said. He gets up and paces the room for a second before he comes over and grabs Jason.

"Where is the necklace" he asks as he puts the knife to Jason's throat.

"I told you, I don't know where it is. I lost it" I said. In the distance I heard sirens.

"Shit" the guy whispers loudly. He throes Jason to the floor and follows the guys that were already running out the back door.

"Jase, you okay" I ask as I kneel next to him.

"I'm fine" he says as he sits up.

"Why did you lie" Preston asks.

"It's special and it must be important if they were looking for only that" I said standing up.

"Yeah and if the cops didn't come JASON COULD HAVE BEEN DEAD" Preston says, yelling the last bit. I bite back the tears as I stand up and leave the room.

I walk into the bathroom and open the window as the police comes into the house, asking the guys questions.

I grab the necklace and put it in my pocket as I turn around. I walk over to the door about to open it but stop.

Without thinking I lock the door and sit on the toilet seat. I heard the police come to the second story before there was a knock on the door. I get up to open it when the door comes off the hinges and came flying at me. I scream as I dodge it, only to hit my hip on the corner of the counter.

"Put you hands up" the police officer says. I slowly put my hands up before he grabs my shoulder and pushes me out of the bathroom. He brings me downstairs.

"Is this the theif" he asks.

"No thats our friend who lives with us" Preston says annoyed.

"Oh" the police officer says sounding dumb. He then starts asking us questions before he left.

I go back up to my room without another word. Sighing I flop on my bed and fall asleep.

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