Chapter 5

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On Monday I woke up early to the sound of my phone alarm, which was an irritating song by a singing cockerel. I showered and dressed, ready for work at 7 am. Katrina was the only one awake at that time as she had to report to work at 7.30 am.

            “What time do you have to be at work?” She questioned me.

            “Eight-thirty,” I answered, sipping hot cocoa.

            “And, why are you ready at this time?” she asked, looking at her wrist watch.

            “I don’t want to be late for my first day of work,” I replied, confidently.

            “Yeah right,” she snorted through her toast, “Not for long.”

            “What do you mean?” I asked back.

            “Soon you’d be rushing to work and arriving just on time,” she said.

            “I don’t think so,” I replied, “I am a very punctual person.”

            “Okay,” she said, holding both her hands up.

            “I am,” I said, softly, not really too sure of myself. I used to rush to school and university everyday. I would wake up just in time to shower, dress and have a quick breakfast. Most of the time I would reach class just in time; other times I would be late.

            Well, I better not be tardy in my first real job. I might just have a career in here.

            “Okay, I’ve got to go,” Katrina said, as she bolted out the front door, her fiancée Remy waiting for her in his car, “Have a great day at work!”

            “Bye, and you too,” I said, as I continued munching on my breakfast. I decided to catch the LRT before 7.30 in hopes of beating the early morning traffic. I reached Crystal Holdings precisely at eight-twenty in the morning, and joined the crowd of workers to the elevator. Reaching the tenth floor, I headed straight for the Human Resource office. Would you believe it? Ms. Beatrice was not there yet.

            I sat and waited on the chair outside on the corridor as various people trudged past me, some smiling and acknowledging me, while some just turned their noses up and walked by. I looked at the board beside the door which shows all the floors in the building:

Ground Floor: - Reception, Lobby, Security Office, CCTV Room

Level 1: - Finance and Accounts Department Cheque Collection Office

Level 2: - Legal Department, Internal Audit Department, Training and Development

Level 3: - Northern Region Branches Division

Level 4: - Southern Region Branches Division

Level 5: - Central Region Branches Division

Level 6: - West Malaysia Branches Division                                         

Level 7: - International Export & Import department.

Level 8: - Advertising and Public Relations / Media, Sales and Promotion

Level 9: - Systems Analysts, IT Department

Level 10: - Administration, Human Resource, Directors Offices

            Precisely at eight-thirty, Ms. Beatrice arrived looking at me with narrowed eyes.

            “Come in,” she said, briskly as I jumped up from my chair and followed her into her office, “Have a seat while I brief you.”

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