Chapter 17

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            On Saturday night, Mr. Sean accompanied me to the nearby supermarket to get some things for me to cook the next day. I had a small bible of a recipe book which I’ve been keeping since I finished school, thinking of trying out the recipes once I’ve got the time. Looks like the time is now – I hope Mr. Sean wouldn’t mind eating a first time made meal.

            “If I get a stomach ache from your cooking, you’ll have to be my maid until I get better,” he threatened light-heartedly as we walked down the aisle for flour and sugar.

            “I’m not that bad a cook, sir,” I said as he raised his eyebrows at me.

            “What have you cooked in your life?” he asked me.

            “A lot of things,” I said, shrugging my shoulders, “Why do you think I can’t cook?”

            “You look like the type that can’t cook,” he teased me while pushing the shopping trolley along.

            “As a matter of fact I can indeed cook,” I said confidently.

            “Name me a few dishes you can cook,” he asked me.

            “Let’s see,” I said, pretending to think, “I can make mean spaghetti with meat-balls, fried rice and omelets, instant noodles.”

            “That’s baby’s cooking,” Mr. Sean said, laughing out loud as I pretended to look hurt, “Even a six-year old baby can do that.”

            “Oh yeah, if you’re so great, why don’t you tell me what you can cook!” I demanded.

            “Well, darling, lucky for you, I’m an excellent cook,” Mr. Sean said, and I don’t know why but I felt heat rush to my face when he said the word ‘darling’.

            “You’re lying,” I said, looking away to hide the blood rushing to my face. Why am I feeling this way?

            “I’m not,” he said, grabbing the packet of flour from me, “Look, why don’t I find the ingredients and I cook tomorrow and you can learn from the pro.”

            “But I’m supposed to cook for us tomorrow,” I said, grabbing the packet back from him.

            “You can help me make omelets,” Mr. Sean said, chuckling as he grabbed the packet of flour and placed it in the trolley as I stood there pouting.

            “Mandy,” I turned at the voice who called my name to see Katrina looking at me and Mr. Sean.

            “Katie!” I squealed as I ran forward and hugged her, “Oh I’ve missed you guys so much!”

            “I’ve missed you too!” she replied, hugging me tight, “The girls are wondering when you’ll be free enough to come and see us.”

            “Oh, I will soon,” I promised, “I want to make sure everyone is off on the day, probably after my salary so that I can spend you guys.”

            “We don’t need you to spend us, Mandy,” Katrina said, “If you’re free, just drop by our house.”

            “Sure of course,” I said as I smiled and greeted Remy.

            “Honey, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” Mr. Sean said, as he stood beside me and placed his hand casually on my hips. If it was a normal gesture for him, it made my blood freeze. I felt my heart beating fast, as my head started spinning.

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