Chapter 12

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            The two weeks after Mr. Christopher met my mother was tough for me, as Mr. Sean was not being lenient at all with me. I know by then that he hates me to the bone. He dumped work after work on my table, not giving me time to complete on before he dumped another one on me. I struggled hard to meet the dateline, but he would always not be satisfied with what I did and throw the file away as I picked it off the ground and re-do it. I thought I could handle his bad temper, but I guess two weeks is long enough for me to be silent.

            On that Friday, he gave me five different files to sort out, and as I was doing it on my table which doesn’t even resemble a table anymore; he came and told me to pass some documents to his father. I glared at him when he gave me the documents as he walked away to his office. I followed him back to his office and slammed the file on his table. He looked at me in surprise as I stood in front of him like a mad-woman.

            “What are you doing?” he asked me.

            “Take this to your father yourself, or ask Ashley to come and take it,” I said, “I’m busy!”

            “Just go and pass it without talking too much,” he said, turning his attention to his computer.

            “You wanted me to sort out the file before I go back, and if I walk around passing documents I won’t be able to complete the files before I go back,” I said.

            “Look here, Mandy,” Mr. Sean said, “Just because you’re going to get married to me, that don’t mean you have the right to disobey me.”

            I stared at him incredulously. Did he think in that pea sized brain of his that I’m talking back to him because I’m going to get married to him? I’m just sick of him using his Director power to bully me.

            “You should know by now that I never agreed to this arrangement in the first place,” he said as I glared at him, hot tears starting to spring my eyes.

            “Mr. Sean,” I said, as he opened his mouth to say more, “Please be assured that I never agreed for this ‘arrangement’ to happen to. I’m stuck in this situation just the same as you are! At least the person who suggested this is your father, so you could have some courage and tell him that I don’t want to get married to you. I need this job, so I can’t march into his office and tell him that for fear of losing my job.”

            He stared at me in surprise.

            “Yes, just because I’m keeping quiet that doesn’t mean I agree to this marriage,” I continued when I saw that he lost the ability to speak, “I can’t say anything because I’ve seen the way Mr. Christopher yells at you. He can’t fire you because you’re his son, but he could fire me and to get another job is so hard. My family is not wealthy and they’re relying on my salary too. If I lose this job, who’s going to take care of me and them – that is why I’m keeping quiet. That doesn’t mean you can use your power and bully me to do my job like a robot without proper meal time and without any organization. You keep dumping work on me; how am I going to finish the first job if you come and give me the third and the fourth job just so you can show your disapproval for this arrangement to me?”

            “And besides,” I said, as my tears started to fall, “I don’t want to get married to someone I don’t love. I’m a young girl, sir and I want to feel being in love, but if I marry you I will never get the chance to get to know other guys and fall in love. I’ll be stuck – and it will be like a death sentence to me. Please do something and save us both.”

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