Chapter 11

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            “Hi, sir, is everything okay?” I asked, when I wanted to ask, why are you calling me?

            “Yes, of course,” he said, laughing deeply, “Actually my wife and I wanted to call you over for dinner tonight, if that’s okay.”

            “Err…” I said, not knowing how to say no. I was afraid that Mr. Sean might get mad that I kept on coming to his family.

            “Please don’t say no,” Mr. Christopher said, “You couldn’t come the other day, and my wife is expecting you to come over.”

            “Err…I guess its okay,” I said. I couldn’t bear to disappoint them. I got ready as Mr. Christopher sent a driver to fetch me. I just told my friends that my boss is spending a few of us, so I have to go and they never questioned me much. I reached their house and felt my stomach churn when I saw Mr. Sean’s car already there. Oh, please don’t let him be angry, I don’t want to see him angry.

            “There she is,” Ms. Martha said as I entered their huge dining hall. Sean was already seated there, and I felt nervous as he looked at me and smiled. I sat down on the chair beside Ms. Martha as they started talking. I ate quietly as Mr. Sean kept stealing glances at me.

            “Is the food horrible?” Mr. Sean asked me as I realized everyone’s eyes looking at me.

            “Huh?” I asked.

            “You seem to be chewing it like you don’t like it,” he said as I shook my head.

            “No, it’s very tasty,” I said.

            “Then are you nervous being here then, dear?” Ms. Martha asked as I smiled shyly at her.

            “It’s okay, Mandy,” Mr. Christopher said, “Just think of us like family.”

            “How’s work?” Ms. Martha asked as I swallowed my food.

            “Err…its fine actually,” I said; stealing a glance at Mr. Sean, “My boss is a very nice guy.”

            “That’s good to hear,” Mr. Christopher said, laughing, “If he treats you badly, just come and tell me.”

            “I do not mistreat my subordinates,” Mr. Sean said as I smiled at him. At least he was being friendly to me. As long as his father doesn’t bring up about our marriage issue I don’t have to worry.

            “So, Sean,” Mr. Christopher said as their laughter subsided, “I think that I want to go and see Mandy’s mother.”

            I almost gagged on my bread as I heard what he said. I looked at Mr. Sean who was looking at his father sharply. Uh-oh.

            “What for, father?” Mr. Sean asked.

            “Your mother and I were thinking,” Mr. Christopher said, “We want to get you married to Mandy.”

            I gasped as Mr. Sean’s fork dropped to the ground with a tinkling sound. The maid who was standing behind him, rushed forward to pick up the fork and offer a new one to Mr. Sean who ignored her and glared at his father. The silence was deafening, and I wished the floor would just swallow me up.

            “I don’t want to get married,” Mr. Sean said, as I agreed with him. I still got a lot to learn in life; I didn’t want to get married and be stuck with someone I don’t love.

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