Chapter 8

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            I spent the weekend getting nervous for Monday that by the time Monday arrived, I was numbed of all feelings. I walked up to the Human Resource office like a zombie. Ms. Beatrice took me to meet with Mr. Sean as soon as she arrived, but the director had not arrived to work yet.

            “I’ll leave you with Ashley,” Ms. Beatrice said, as she guided me to Ashley’s office, “She will train you.”

            Ashley smiled at me as I entered her office, and proceeded to teach me about my job as Mr. Sean’s personal assistant. The job was not so hard, merely filing documents and typing letters for the Director, or else whatever that he tells me to do. I have my own small office in front of Mr. Sean’s office where others will meet me first before they go into the director’s office. Our offices are conjoined and separated by a door so that Mr. Sean has to pass by me before going out of his office. Looks like I can’t sneak a nap or anything this way, I thought to myself sourly.

            As Ashley showed me all the files that were important to me, my office door opened all of a sudden as Mr. Sean entered. He nodded his head at both of us, while talking on the phone as he briskly passed by us to his office. Ashley nudged me and beckoned me to follow her into Mr. Sean’s office.

            “Good morning, Mr. Sean,” Ashley said, bowing slightly, “This is Amanda Auburn, your new assistant.”

            “Hello Amanda,” Mr. Sean said, as I bowed slightly at him out of respect, “You can go ahead with your training. I will find you if I need anything.”

            “Thank you, sir,” Ashley said as we retreated from his office. So far so good, I thought. I haven’t broken or spilt anything. Ashley continued to teach me until lunch time, and also after lunch time. There were many important files in the computer as well which I needed to know in case Mr. Sean asked for it. Everything was so confusing, but I guess after a few days I’ll be able to catch up on it.

            “How was your first day as a personal assistant?” Diana asked me after I had taken a shower and sat, eating my noodles in front of the TV.

            “It was okay,” I said with my mouth full.

            “Did the boss ask you to do anything?” Siti asked me as I slurped in the noodles noisily.

            “No, I was pretty much learning all the stuff from the Managing Director’s Secretary, Ashley,” I explained, “It’s a lot of filings and documents to remember. I can go crazy.”

            “That’s normal,” Katrina said, “At least you don’t have to walk around much. My back is killing me walking and carrying things all the while.”

            “Katie, you’re starting to sound like an old woman,” Siti said as Katrina rolled her eyes at her.

            “I’m too old for labor job,” Katrina said as I munched on my noodle and looked at her.

            “What labor job?” I asked her curiously. As far as I know, she was working in a hyper-market.

            “Carrying boxes at work,” she explained, “I don’t have any guy staffs so all the girls have to do the heavy work. Good thing, sometimes Remy comes and helps me, but he can’t help me all the time though. I think I may want to find a new job.”

            “Do you want me to look for a job for you?” I suggested as Katrina shook her head.

            “It’s okay,” she replied, “I’m just waiting for the call from the government job that I applied to. Once I got it, it’s bye-bye to Tesco.”

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