Chapter 25

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            The next day I didn’t have anything to do, so I walked to the park by myself. Leticia said she had a date with Hyun Joong and although she invited me to join, I declined the offer. I do not want to be a lamp-post in their sweet little date. The cherry blossoms have finally bloomed and I was mesmerized by the beauty of it. I’ve waited almost three months to see it bloom and I am glad I didn’t go anywhere today as I could finally gaze upon the scenery around me.

            I don’t know why, but all of a sudden I started to miss Mr. Sean. If he was here, I could share the joy of watching the cherry blossoms with him. I looked at the picture of Mr. Sean in my phone which I took with him in Langkawi. It was the only reminder of him that I had and I will cherish it forever even if we’ve moved on from our relationship. Suddenly my phone rang – it was Leticia.

            “Mandy, where are you?” she asked me in alarm, making me stand up in panic.

            “I’m at the park,” I said, “Is everything okay?”

            “Oh the park,” she replied, “Everything’s fine here. Bye.”

            What? She just hung up on me. What was her problem? My stomach was rumbling from hunger so I decided to walk back to my apartment to eat something. As I searched through the fridge there was nothing to cook, so I took a packet of Ramen noodles and boiled some water. Well, I did envision myself eating ramen noodles in Korea, didn’t I? Although I wasn’t feeling, I decided to have a heavy dinner later.

            As I ate the noodles, my apartment’s doorbell rang. I placed the bowl of hot noodles on the small table and ran to the door, wondering who it could be. As I opened the door, there was no one there. That’s weird, I thought as I stepped outside and looked at the corridor on my left and my right. I swore I heard the doorbell ring. Shrugging my shoulders I retreated inside, not before noticing an envelope on the floor which I almost stepped on. What could it be?

            I took the envelope and carried it inside, looking at my name written on the front. From whom could it be? There was no stamp on it, so the person must have dropped it after ringing the bell. I opened the envelope and took out a letter from it, gasping as I recognized the handwriting. Mr. Sean!

            Dearest Mandy, he wrote.

            I know this letter might have come a little too late for you, but I know that I have to right this letter anyhow to reply the one that you wrote for me but threw away.

            He read my letter?

            I found the letter a day after you left, and it made me wonder why you didn’t give it to me instead of crumpling it and throwing it away. Were you afraid of my reaction?

            Dear, dear Mandy, if only you’ve told me earlier how you felt as you’ve wrote in the letter I might have not been suffering wouldn’t I?

            I was confused but I read on.

            Mandy, didn’t you realize that I felt the same for you too? I guess you wouldn’t have realized that. But I hope it’s not too late for us to reconcile. I love you and I want you to know that nothing in this world is ever going to keep us apart again.



P/S: if you still feel the same about me, I’ll be waiting for you in the cherry blossom park. I know how much you love that tree, don’t you?

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