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  It was just like any other day for you inside the clock tower in France. Why were you in the clock tower? Because you were a freak and every tall-tale that was told through children stories and gossips knew you were a freak as well. You sighed as you looked down at your scaly arms. That's right, scales and not the the ones that were on mermaids fishermen would talk about. No....these were the scales of a dragon. To make things worse for you was that you had wings of a dragon as well, which now gave you the title "The Devil Girl."

  'Maybe they are right,' You thought as you looked out the window. 'Maybe I AM the devil's daughter.' "Meow." You heard breaking your train of thoughts and insults. You blinked and looked down to see your orange and white fluff-ball of a cat, Di. "Oh hello Di." You smiled as you picked her up and placed her on your lap. "Meow." She replied as she snuggled in your stomach. You giggled as you pet her fluffy coat and looked out the window. "I wish I was born a normal girl. Then maybe we could have a normal family and live a normal life." You looked down and gave a small smile. "Who knows, maybe I'll find true love."
You sighed as you looked out the window. "It must be lucky being a cat. You can roam around everywhere and no one will give you a second glance..." Suddenly, an idea had stuck. You hopped out of your seat, forgetting your cat was on your lap. "Di, I will be back shortly!" You called out.

  Quickly, you grabbed your hooded cloak and placed it over your shoulders, then placing the hood on. Taking several deep breathes, you quickly slipped out of tower and into the streets. You were excited and frightened at the same time. You heart was beating at an unnatural pace but at the same time you wanted to cheer and run around like a little child. That's when you realized something; everyone was going to the town square. 'What could be happening over there?' You asked yourself as you followed them. The crowd grew bigger and bigger as squeals and cheers filled the air. Lively music invaded your ears as the each beat matched the beating of your heart. As you grew closer, a stage began to form in your view and then someone prancing all around the stage, doing flips and bends, twists and turns.

  As the music lured you in closer to the stage, your (e/c) orbs began to see the smaller details of what the dancing being. When you realized that you were in the front row of the audience, you breath was stolen by the person whom was dancing. A young man with short, lushes, black curly locks, his skin was an exotic caramel, and his muscle were slightly bulged from his thin attire. However, there was one feature that had caught your attention; his eyes. His eyes were the brightest and fiercest green you could have ever imagined. They almost reminded you of jewels, emerald to be precise. This young man in general was beautiful, so beautiful you thought he had came from the heavens above. As everyone gawked at the twirling man in amazement, you however, felt unworthy. almost unholy, of watching his beauty.

  You gasped as he made a gracious dip, and then turned to face you. You squeaked in surprise as you quickly hid your arms inside your cloak and looked down. Warily, you looked back up but only to meet emerald colored eyes. You saw a smirk plastered on his tanned lips and gave you a wink before continuing his dance. Suddenly, you felt yourself become warm, the temperature increasing all around you, especially around your face. You thought that it was probably for the best that you better leave before you past out in a heat stroke and someone finding out your secret. With the idea settled in your mind, you made a mad dash away from the crowd. Another reason why you hated yourself is that your skin can dehydrate quickly, causing immediate heat exhaustion. That was the reason why you had picked the abandoned clock tower, well, that and it had a nice view of the people.

  As you ran further and further away from the crowd, your pace began to grow slower. Soon you came into a halt and turned around and saw that the crowd of people were now just tiny groups here and there. "Maybe the show is over." you muttered to yourself as you turned back the way you were going but only to bump into someone. You let out a yelp and stumbled a few feet back. "I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to bump into you s-sir! O-or ma'am..." you stuttered out your apology as you tried to hide yourself into the cloak, wishing you could disappear. The person replied you with a chuckle and said, "Well if you looked up, then you would know what gender I was." Well now you know it was a male, however his voice was very smooth and velvety, it almost made you want to melt. You raised your head, making sure that your hood had shadowed your face.

  You gasped in surprise when you realized that it was the male that had just performed. "Then I humbly apologize for bumping into you sir. I swear it won't happen again," You apologized again. You were about to turn and walk away, but was then stopped. "Hey! I know you! You're the girl that was in the cloak!" He said as he ran in front of you. You gasped as you took a step back.
"N-no, that couldn't have been me. There are many people that could've worn a cloak."
"Hmm, no. I know it's you. You have (e/c) eyes."
"There are many people with my (e/c) eyes."
"Yeah, but... your eyes hold something different. It holds a secret and an adventure. Plus, they are nice to stair at." You blushed at his comment and you were grateful that you had the hood hovering over your face. "Won't you take your hood off?" He asked. You were too flabbergasted to even respond before you felt a hand being placed on your hooded head. The man sighed. "It's fine. I have to go now. Maybe we can meet again someday?" You nodded, unable to speak because of your rapid beating heart. "Alright. The name is Emerald." With that said, you felt the warmth that was on your head disappear and foot-steps being heard. "I don't know why you're wearing the hooded cloak, but if your trying to hide, it won't work. You're perfect, regardless on how you look." Emerald said before walking away.

  Tears brimmed your eyes as your heart beat became louder. That was the first time anyone had said anything like that to you. "Thank you, Emerald. Maybe one day we may meet again. And when that day comes, I will have confidence to show you who I really am, and how I really look." You whispered with a smile before running back to the abandoned clock tower.

  Little did you know, Emerald did not leave. He instead hid behind a wall and listened to every single word you said before you had ran away. "Hey Emerald." He heard. He turned around to see his lovable friend Quasimoda (I don't know ok! Im sorry! 8(TwT)8) "Oh Quasimoda, it's only you." He said. He sighed as he leaned onto the wall.
"Is there something on your mind?"
"Yeah. I met this girl. Remember how I met you, at the town square? You were scared, and you hid under the cloak you wore."
Quasimoda nodded and smiled. "Yes. I remember that. Ever since that day, you made me grow confident in myself. Why bring that up now? Is she someone like me?" Her eyes gleamed with excitement, knowing that someone had a difficulty with their looks as well, and being judged because of it.

  "Yeah, I think she is someone like you. Maybe with a different scenario, but I think the situation should be the same." He said as he mindlessly tapped his tambourine. "I'm determined to find out who she is." He muttered. He then felt a warm hand on his hand. He looked down to his friend and smiled.
"You mean WE are determined. I wanna meet her too! Who knows! We could be the best of friends!" She said excitedly. He smiled at her.
"Maybe you're right, Quasimoda. Maybe we can be just a little bit more" 

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