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It was the year 1607 when your ship docked the murky shores of the New World. As you grabbed your bags and walked off the boat, you journeyed your way to the town to find the man that had built you a home. No you weren't a class of the higher ups, wanting to take money from the underprivileged. No you were here as a scientist, here to start something new, to help the world and possibly help these people find a better way to start their brand new life a little easier. As you walked through the town, you took note of the people and what they did; women, young and old, were sewing clothes for their families and helping with the crops, whereas the men were working on refining and repairing their homes, hunting for food, or farming. You smiled at the sight. These people were working hard on building their brand new lives from scratch and you were determined to make sure that they could get all the help and advancements they needed.

After meeting with man that had built your home and paying him your one hundred pieces of gold, you were in awe at how this man built home with great thought. Maybe it was because he was an ex constructor, probably arrested for doing something illegal or he was looking for a space where he could start his artistic values, or maybe he was in it for the money. Whatever the case maybe, you were grateful for him to take the time and making the house look nice enough. When you walked into your new home, you were still in awe at the sight. He had built you everything that you needed with carefulness and precision. "Goodness he did deserve one hundred gold coins at the least. This is marvelous!" You awed. After unpacking your belongings and everything you needed, you made your way back out into the town. As you met with the people, learning about how their struggles are and how they were in general, you understood their custom quite well. Time went by as you explored the little town before the sun began to set and it became darker, the weather becoming cooler. Soon after you had an adequate dinner, you made your way to your bed and laid underneath the duvet your mother had given you along with a little invention you had made. It was like a metal lantern, only it was much bigger and wider and it needed no wax, but just thick branches and twigs to start a small fire. Yes it did have a door to close it, however there were holes in the glass, thus letting the flame breathe and letting the warmth spread. You smiled as you curled into your duvet. "Tomorrow, I will go on an adventure." you whispered before going back to sleep.

The next morning you woke up energized and ready to go. After having some bread and some homemade jam made by one of the women that had welcomed you. You packed your bag of tools and supplies before making your way to the forest. The scenery was breath taking. Though yes there were many trees that were thin and didn't cover much, the more you ventured deeper, the more it became alive. The leaves became greener, the air seemed more refreshing than the one that was in town and the relaxing coolness felt marvelous against you slightly sweaty skin. As you ventured through the forest, you heard many different bird calls, mentally naming them as you heard each one of them. This was exciting for you. You felt like a little girl being invited to her dream tea party with all the beautiful animals creating harmonizing music. Not so long after you had found your spot in which you liked; a large log that had just the right amount of light coming through the trees. Setting your bag down and whipping out your notebook, you began to jot down notes of what the animals were doing. You wrote how some of them would crack nuts, or how they would tell which foods were okay to eat and from there you planned out how you could turn those actions into tools. While you engrossed yourself in writing their habitual manners, you didn't realize that the animals began to scamper away all too quickly. A loud snap finally broke you from your trance and your head shot up. You looked around, trying to find out what creature had made that sound, however the creature did not come out from it's hiding place, so you shrugged it off and went back to your thinking. Suddenly, a low and menacing growl was heard.

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