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That evening, it seemed as if the castle was buzzing around with excitement. Everyone was excited and curious on who the new guest was and the possibility of being the one to marry Princess Erica. As soon as Grimsby told you to get ready for tonight's dinner, a maid came in to help you dress. "My lady, are you alright?" the maid asked as you stood on the rounded platform while she finished up adjusting your dress. A small sigh escaped your lips before you looked over with a smile. "I'm fine. Just lost in thought is all." You replied.

"If I may take a guess. Your thoughts wouldn't happen to be about her highness and the guest that we have?" She asked. Wow, right on the target.

"I-I suppose." You nervously chuckled, trying to hide the fact the knew exactly why you've been dazing off, however doing a very terrible job at it.

"It's understandable my lady. She is your family, and seeing that this man could possibly marry her would worry any loving family member. If I may voice my opinion, my lady, I say it's strange to see her showing interest in someone after searching for a suitable candidate. Not that there's anything wrong, it was rather sudden." She quickly explained as you stepped down from the platform and onto the bench of the elegant vanity. "But I have a feeling that he may be the one." She said with a smile as she began to style your hair into an elegant and simple style. "He has this brightness in his eyes that just screams adventure, not only that, he's rather handsome as well." She giggled.

You sat and listened as she babbled, and silently agreed. You knew all too well about how handsome Aryn really was, however they haven't seen him like you have. The way he swims around with ocean's current so naturally that it made it impossible to spot him in the water, even for you. The way he flicks his powerful tail and swim off into the deep mysteries of the sea, but the one thing that you fell in love with was how he smiled. It was as if he embodied the sun. His smile was just natural and genuine, so warm and kind and never harsh to anyone. His blue eyes shined just as bright if not brighter. The ocean truly was in his eyes and the lighten up especially when he talked about his deep-sea adventures and the treasures he would find. Every part of him you fell in love with, and there was nothing you would ever change of him. And here he is now, wobbling around on two brand new feet taking place of his beautiful green tail. Nothing was making sense and you needed answers.

Soon after you were done, you walked out of your room without a word. With every step you took, your heart began to race as you made your way to the dining hall. Usually you would wear a casual dress when you would go meet Aryn, however this would be the first time he would see you dressed up in such manner. What would he think of it? Would he like it? Dislike it? Why were you even thinking about such things...! "Get a hold of yourself (Y/n)!" you scolded yourself, only for the Carlotta, the maid, clear her throat and look at you curiously. "Are you alright my dear?" She asked worriedly. Ah, how her sweetness soothed your worries. You swore she had magical powers and you wouldn't be surprised if she does. "I'm fine Carlotta, thank you for worrying about me." You replied kindly.

"Anytime my dear, and might I say, you look beautiful." She said with a warm smile. A blush dusted your cheeks as she guided you towards the entrance of the dining hall. "Your highness, Sir, Lady (Y/n) has arrived." She said proudly.

You blushed as everyone's attention was now on you as you slowly walked in. The first person you saw was Aryn and how handsomely he was dressed, even for someone who was in pink. He looked like a prince, well technically he is a prince but he for a fact looked more princely now than ever, especially with his hair moved out of his face. Now that the knots and tangles were out and it wasn't wet, his hair looked like a brighter red, more voluminous than you had imagined and looked as if it were as soft as silk. In Aryn's eyes, he swore he's never seen anything more beautiful. The way you looked so simple but elegant as well. It suited you and if hadn't known any better, he would've thought you were the princess of the palace and not Erica. He never imagined you to be this beautiful but oh how wrong he was.

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