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You gasped as you saw the scene in front of you; Maleficent surrounded by men in iron armor, wielding shields that are as tall as them, if not taller. "Godfather!" Aurora screamed.

"Maleficent!" you screamed, tears brimming your eyes as you saw the man you love be weakened by the poisonous material.

"Go!!" he shouted. "Take haste and leave for safety!!"

You bit your lip and looked around for anything that could help the wingless fairy, but alas there was nothing. Your heart cringed as you saw Diaval's mouth chained with iron to hold him from blowing anymore fire. You looked back at Maleficent to see his eyes were now bored into yours. Regardless of the stoic look he has, the dark persona and the strength, his eyes showed slight fear; the fear of the two things he cares for so deeply getting hurt in the process, the fear that he would have to leave what was left of his heart to fend for themselves. You couldn't bare that look. "Go!!" Maleficent boomed.

"(Y/n) quickly!" Aurora said as she grabbed your arm and pulled you away.

"No!" you cried. "No we have to do something! We have to save him!"

"And what do you suppose we do?! We are weaponless! And we have little strength to fend! Those men are in iron and the whole kingdom has turned against Godfather!"

She was right. What were you supposed to do? You were never trained for battle, regardless if you were an adventurous one, your strength took you so far. Then an idea came. "Wait, I remember something. When I got separated from Maleficent, I stumbled upon a room, and in that room, the queen was allowed only go."

"Do you think my mother has something up there to help him?"

"I mean....they were once in love..." you said softly. Yes, it did break your heart that Maleficent was in love with someone else, but it boiled your blood when the queen, Queen Stephanie, had clipped off his wings, just so she could be a successor. "Then we shall go." Aurora said. You nodded as you hitched your (f/c) dress and ran after her.

Climbing the spiral steps, you reached the door and with caution you both opened the door and stepped inside. "Look!" Aurora gasped as she pointed to the large glass casing. Your (e/c) orbs widened as you saw them; Maleficent's wings. "By the gods..." you whispered as you walked towards the gigantic wings. Aurora walked up to the casing and tried to open it. "It's locked." she said.

"Then let us knock it down." The both of you nodded and ran up the stares. With the strength you both could muster up, you pushed. "It's working!" You grunted, feeling the case inching off it's podium.

"Just a little more!" Aurora grunted as well. With a final push, you both pushed the glass case over and quickly stepped back as the glass shattered on the floor.

"Now what?" Aurora asked as she looked at your a next step in this attempted rescue quest. In all honesty, you didn't know, until you saw something twitch. Your eyes fell upon the clipped wings as they twitched again. " know more about your godfather....are clipped wings supposed to do that?" you asked as your (e/c) orbs never left the twitching wings. Before she could even reply, the wings sprung to life and started searching the room for it's predecessor. "To the floor!" You screamed as you both ducked for the cold ground, heads covered. You both yelped as you heard and felt the glass shatter and wind blowing. After minutes, you slowly lifted your head, (h/c) locks now disheveled. "Do you think it's going to work?" Aurora whispered. The both of you got up and shook the shards of glass off your dresses.

You turned to the young girl and saw her childish eyes were now filled with worry. You walked over to her and placed a comfortable hand on her shoulder. "Your godfather is strong and so are his wings. He will win this battle against your mother."

Aurora looked at you at you and slightly scowled. "As far as I know...Queen Stephanie is no mother of mine. I came here to know the truth, and I did, but it was a dark and terrible one." Aurora said, a frown upon her face. You felt sorry for the girl. All her life she had lived such an innocent life, away from evil and the truth, and now that she knew, she didn't know what to do. Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, you looked at her. "There is no need to stay here in this dingy palace. Your godfather wouldn't allow it in the first place." A small giggle erupted from from her lips as she looked at you again, a gleam of playfulness and hope shining in her eyes. "Do you think that godfather might let me live with the fairies? Oh that would be ever so grand!" She chirped. You giggled in response and tucked a blonde strand of hair behind her ear. "I think he would." you said with a smile. "Now come, it is far too late in the night, and you must get rest before we head back." you began as you guided the childish girl to her chambers.

"B-But what about godfather?" she asked as her hand held your hand in a tight grip.

"Your god-father will be fine," you began. "I know of it. He is a strong man, and a strong fairy. He will succeed without a doubt."

After guiding Aurora to her chambers, tucking her in and blowing the candles out, you walked to another fancy bedroom. You held the candelabra too see the beautiful design of the room, so elegant and intricate, it almost was like you've entered another realm. You let out a sigh as you placed the candelabra on the night stand and walked to the window. Pushing the window open you felt the cool night breeze flow in. It felt good against your hot skin. You looked down to see that your (f/c) dress was in tatters, and you had small nicks from the glass shattering. You let out a soft sigh as you leaned against the window and stared at the full moon. "Please let him be alright. Let him win this battle." you whispered as you closed your eyes.

"(Y/n)." you heard a deep, velvety voice say. Your eyes opened and saw the all so familiar golden eyes. "Maleficent." You whispered. Your eyes took in everything, from the leather attire he wore, to the horns on his head.

"I have won the battle, and I shall take down the wall that divides us and the humans." He announced. You nodded as you played with your hands.

"Does this......does this mean...our time together is over?" You asked, your heart becoming heavy with grief. Suddenly, you felt a warm and rather large, hand cup your face and bring you to his. "No.....No it will not be over." He said, his lips hovering just above yours.

You couldn't take it anymore, you had to say it. "I love you, Maleficent." you whispered, your delicate (s/c) hands holding onto his arms. You watched a smirk grew across his lips, a slight chuckle escaping them as well. "As do I, my dear (Y/n)." And with that, the gap was closed. His lips were upon yours as you both shared the momentous kiss. You slowly tugged the man inside, never once breaking contact as Maleficent climbed in. Placing his hands on your hips, and you wrapping your arms around his neck, the kiss became deeper. Small moans emitted from your lips as Maleficent guided you towards the bed. You gasped as you fell on the bed, and Maleficent climbing on top of you. "Aurora is asleep, the queen has been smitten and the moonlight is our only light." he said in a husky voice. You bit your bottom lip as you looked up at him and blushed. Maleficent smirked as he blew the candles out, and encased the both of your bodies with his large wings. Thus your night began, filled with everything that nobody should see, nor hear.

The next morning Maleficent had taken the wall of thorns down. The fairy folk came out of their hiding as the bright warm sun brightened their majestic kingdom. You smiled as you watched Aurora be crowned the queen of the kingdom. "I think it was a good idea to make her queen." You said as you turned to Maleficent. He nodded as he watched Aurora. "The little beasty grew up quickly." he mumbled.

"Aww! Do you wish for her to never grow up?" you giggled as he scoffed and turned away. You turned back to see Aurora running back with a smile. "Oh (Y/n) I am so glad to see that you are staying!" she said happily as she gave you a hug, You smiled as you hugged her back and pulled away. "Aurora you've grown up so much." you said softly as you tucked a curly strand of hair behind her ear.

She let out a giggle and blushed. "Oh, (Y/n) have you hurt yourself?" she asked as she tilted her head. You tilted your head and blinked. " far as I know, I only earned some small nicks but nothing horrendous. Why do you ask?"

"Because there are bruises that litter your neck." She replied innocently. You blushed immensely as Maleficent, along with Diaval, howled in laughter. This....was going to be hard to explain........

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