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Your POV:

        You were a simple feather duster in the brand new library of the prince's castle. "Keep the library organized and tidy. I do not want a single mistake or error." Adam, or the beast, said as he walked out. It wasn't his usual harsh and bitter tone, rather a plead. This new Madam Belle must have captured  his heart. Oh how glad you were to see the prince happy and dedicated to finding a cure for his curse. "Well? I better get to work!" you chirped as you began to dust the books and shelves.

Bellen's POV:

        "Alright Belle! Im coming!" I said as I grabbed my coat and put it on. My dear sister, whom was the one in love with the Beast, wanted me to go see him. I felt very unsure about this. He captured my father and forced my sister to stay in the castle! "Oh Bellen! You must come see! Adam had built a library just for me! There are many books in which I know you would love as well!" She sighed happily as she stepped onto the sleigh.
"I can see that you are happy dear sister, but honestly Belle. Are sure this Adam fellow, is the one? All you did after you came home was talk about him, how he needed nurturing and love." I asked.

        "Oh Bellen. Don't tell me you have fell for the villagers stories!" She said she cracked the whip and the dogs mushed.
"Well Belle, I don't want to be quick to judge, but I don't want you being hurt." Belle just simply shook her head. As we continued to venture into the forest, past the eery trees and the spine chilling howls, we made it to the exit. I awed at the castle's aged beauty as the snow coated it in some places. The birds, in which were not crows, fluttered around the area, along with other woodland creatures as well. "Adam!" My sisters voice called as she hopped off the sleigh and to the hunched over...furry man. My god he was a beast! An actual beast! I quietly followed, making sure there was a friendly, but comforting distance between the beast and I. "Adam, this is my twin brother Bellen. Bellen, this is Adam." She introduced. I took in a deep breath and released with a brave huff. I must be the upper man, and kind to whoever, regardless of who they are and how they look.

        "Hello good sir. My name is Bellen." I introduced as I held out a hand. The beast looked confused at my gesture. Has he not shaken a hand before? Or is he shy? Maybe he's worried I might hurt him....or maybe he isn't used to other human contact. "It's okay Adam. My brother wont bite." Belle assured him. Hesitantly, he extended a paw and took my hand in his. "It meet you." He said in a burly deep voice. I nodded as I shook his hand and he let go. Belle let out another giggle.
"I wanted to show Bellen your gift to me. He too likes books as much as I do, and I was wondering, if I could show him the library." Adam looked down at my sister, then me and then back at my sister. "If you must. But only the library, anywhere else is prohibited." Adam said, almost growling at the end. What was he hiding that was needed to be hidden?

        After a nod from Belle and I, she lead the way to the library. The place was grand. It was rustic and beautiful, the drapery was silky, but alas it was also dim. "I know this place is dim, but trust me brother, it feels a lot brighter than when I first came here searching for father." Belle said as we turned the corner.
"I'm glad that father has come back. But I feel that he has gone, how should I say it, mad in a way. I guess he is still in shock that a beast did truly exist." I explained. Her face frowned a little.
"I do hope he wont do anything drastic. I....I really for Adam." she said softly. The air between us was silent as she guided me to the library.

        When we finally arrived, she opened the doors and I awed at how, brighter and colorful it was compared to what I saw. "Oh my goodness." I whispered in awe as I walked in. "There are...thousands....if not millions of books in here!" I laughed as I looked from the windows to the walls, to even the second floor higher up. This was like a wonderland to me. I can see how Adam had captured Bella's heart. "Well Bellen, I must be getting back to Adam." Belle said. I turned around to see her smile. "He has much to learn about kindness and I do like his company. If you would like anything, ask the furniture. So long!" Wait what? The furniture? I sighed as I shook my head and took off my coat. "Ask the furniture." I scoffed a little. "I think my sister might be more disillusioned than my father."

        With that being said, I began to look around the library. The collection of books here were so marvelous, I'm surprised how he managed to get them. As I walked around, grabbing a book, I heard a gentle humming. Wait, there were more people here? Perhaps a maid maybe? "Hello? Is anyone there?" I called.

Your POV:

        As you hummed a small tune, you suddenly heard a voice. A voice in which it did not belong to Adam. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He called. You quickly and quietly put the book in which you were reading down and quietly hopped around the corner. You couldn't believe your eyes. There, standing just several feet away, was the most handsomest man you have ever seen. His wavy brown hair was tied into a blue bow and he wore a simple light blue vest, a white under shirt, trousers in which they were tucked into boots. "I must be hearing things." he said to himself as he walked past you, without even glancing down. You watched as he took his place in one of the plush seats in front of the fire in which he started.

        You sighed as you continued to watch him. What a sight he was. Just simply him reading made your heart throb. As he continued to read, he stopped for a moment and looked at the chair. A few moments of silence. "Um...hello chair." He said. You internally giggled at the sight. Belle must have told him that the furniture could speak. I mean some can and others cant. With a little courage, you decided to greet him. When you hopped over to him, you cleared your throat and stood as tall as your little figure could. "H-Hello Guest." you said. Oh dang it! You stuttered! The handsome man's eyes widened as he looked at the chair. "Oh my god the chair talked." He whispered.
"No! Down here sir!" You said as you hopped up and down. His beautiful brown eyes looked down at you and you gave the best smile. "Hello good sir. My name is (Y/n)." You greeted. Alright that wasn't bad, point for you!

        "My word...." He said as he got up and knelt down. "You're just a simple feather duster, and yet you speak." He said.
"That's right sir. I hope I didn't interrupt you." you said shyly. "I just wanted to greet you to the castle."
The handsome man let out a sigh. "This is a peculiar castle." he said. "My sister enjoys it greatly. I suppose it has it's perks. I mean this library is grand." He said as he looked around.
"Well this castle used to be a lot nicer, with out all the wreckage. It was nice and warm...I suppose. But the people here are nice! We help each other and we have hopes that the future will be brighter!" You said with a smile. Oh how you wished you were human again....and then maybe...just maybe....Adam...will remember you...not as a tool or a servant...but a sister.
"Pardon my manners." The handsome man said. "My name is Bellen. And it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. (Y/n)." He said as he patted your head.

        "It is a pleasure to meet you sir Bellen." you chirped. He smiled as he helped you up and placed you on the table in which was next to him. "Ah! You're reading Pride and Prejudice! That is a lovely tale." you said with a smile.
"Have you read it? It is an amazing book, at least as far as I have read. The story is built so well." Bellen said and thus began your long conversation with books and tales. Never had you imagined that this was the outcome of making a new friend.

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