Emerald part 2

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It's been a while since that encounter at the festival. His name still rang in your mind. "Emerald." You said softly. The way it rolled off your tongue sent shivers down your spine. You sighed as you looked down at the sketch, slightly grazing your fingers over the ink. In the many books you had read, never once had it occurred to you that you would be in their position. That's right; you were in love. You now knew the true meaning of love at first sight. Sure, he was handsome with his godly figure, his sun kissed skin and his hypnotic emerald eyes. Letting out another sigh, you turned your head towards the window, watching the sun slowly set on the horizon making the sky turn into hues of pink and gold.  Suddenly, you felt self conscious again. 'I don't deserve to watch such beauty,' you thought to yourself, your hands automatically going to your arms. 

        Just as you were going to walk away, there was loud bang from the other side of the room. You inhaled a sharp gasp and turned around, however you didn't see anything. "Di?" You called out, hoping it was your cat doing something stupid. "Meow." You turned to your side to see Di sitting up with her head tilted to the side. "Meow?" 

"I don't know." You muttered out as fear began to grow inside you. "W-who's there?!" you stuttered out. Looking side to side, you found an iron rod and readied for whoever the attacker was. Just then there was another tumble. "Gah!" one said.

"Ow!" said the other. 



You arms began to quiver. There was, not one, but two people now in the clock tower. "Is that her?" one of them asked, sounding slightly feminine. 

"Yeah....yeah that's her." One sounded deep, and velvety. Velvety? You gripped onto the rod and positioned yourself. "W-who are you? S-show yourself!" 

"Whoa! Whoa! Take it easy it's me!" You heard shuffling of clothing and then you saw a spark moving. Next thing you knew, the lantern was lit and you stumbled back, your back hitting the window. "Hey, it's me. No need to be scared." the voice repeated. Your mind swirled in confusion and fear, however that subsided and your mind began to comprehend what was happening around you.

        A gasp escaped your lips as you looked at the man that was in front of you. It was him, from the plaza a few days ago! "I-it's you..." You managed to whisper out. He chuckled as he crossed his arms. "Nice to see you too." Before he could say anything else, his eyes fell upon your body. Confused at what he was staring at, you followed the directions that he was looking at. Your (e/c) eyes widened. You were exposed. You couldn't run nor could you hide. "So this is what you were hiding." He whispered as he crouched down. Letting out a squeak, you backed into the wall and collapsed onto the floor. "P-please don't hurt me!" You stuttered out, automatically turning into a ball. "I'm not going to hurt you!" You heard him say. You wanted to believe him, but you couldn't bring yourself to fully trust his words. "I won't hurt you." He whispered. "See? I have a friend and she's kind of the same." This is what caught your attention. Lifting your head, you peeked out of your little ball of shelter. You watched intently as a figure slowly came out of the shadows.  

        There stood a woman who had an orange-brown hair, her face was disfigured and she wore a green tunic with dark trousers. "H-Hello." she said tentatively. 

"(Y/n) this Quasimoda. We met a while back." Emerlad said. You looked at him and then back at the girl. 

"I-It's nice to meet someone whom shares the same struggles" she said, a little braver now. Slowly, you stood on our feet. "U-Uhm....Hello. My name is (Y-Y/n). It's a p-pleasure to meet you." You said softly, your hands automatically going over the scaly patches of skin. There was an awkward moment of silence, that is, until Di decided to speak up. "Oh!" You ran over to Di and picked her up, placing her into your arms. "This is Di, my cat. I let her wonder around but she eventually comes back to me." You smiled as you began to rub the top of her head. "She is my best and only friend in this abandoned tower." You whispered. You then looked up to Quasimoda. "W-would you like to pet her?"

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