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     The sun shined high and bright over the african savanna as you walked through the grassy fields. The warmth of sun's rays felt delightful against your skin and it complimented well with the subtle breeze that would blow through every once in a while. This was one of the many reasons you loved your assignments that Rafiki would give you and why you took pride being Rafiki's student. The opportunity to roam around and experience nature's wonders. There was one thing to know the past, present and future of everything surrounding you, however to encounter them and witness how they truly are first hand, no matter how big or small it was, made you see the world around you in a more beautiful light than before. It also made you realize that Rafiki, though he may not be an Usok, nor he may not be sound of mind sometimes, there was a reason why your people saw him as a grand elder. He, who is one of the many creatures who are below the Usok, who does not have the knowledge of the ancient past and the future beyond already embedded into their minds, was respected in such a manner by a race who was far superior, simply because he educated them in the art of seeing the very way of life is beautiful, from the moment they enter the world to the moment they leave.

     Letting out a content sigh, you finally found a perfect place to work on your assignment that Rafiki had given you. Communication was many of the many gifts the Usok were known for, but what made you really stand out above all the others was how well you could communicate and make peace with the creatures you would communicate with. It was one of the many reasons why Rafiki had taken you under his teaching, however, there was still many things to learn. "Learn to speak with the land." you repeated out loud as you looked at your surroundings. You had assumed he was talking about the people, animals and insects, but oh no. No, you were wrong and you honestly shouldn't be this shocked but Rafiki was full of surprises. What the grand elder had meant was plants. the plants.

     Now, you had assumed that he finally lost all his coconuts and a branch finally hit him hard enough to make his already crazy ramblings sound like actual ramblings but oh no. No he was fine and he truly meant that you had to learn how to communicate with plants. Rafiki could sense your skepticism and immediately assigned you to try and hear the voices of nature. Now, here you were, standing in the grassy fields with your journal dangling from your belt as you tried to even devise a plan on how you were going to complete this absurd assignment. "I guess I could go through some of my notes." you thought out loud as you sat down and unlatched your journal.

     You were lost in your own world as you went through page after page, trying to piece together some sort of idea on how to complete this ridiculous assignment. As you were mumbling to yourself, often looking at the grass around you in hopes to find some sign that you were on the right path, you hadn't sense someone approach. "It looks like we meet again, little Usok." you heard a deep voice say. Letting out a surprised yelp, you look over your shoulders to see a familiar man standing above you in black and gold attire.
"Scar..." you frowned before standing up in your spot.
"Ah, so you learned my name." he mused, his hands behind his back and a smirk on his lips. "I'm not surprised. The Usok are naturally intelligent beings."
"I'm not going to fall for your tricks Scar. What do you want." you suppressed the urge to snap. You had to keep a level head. Rafiki warned you that Scar was intelligent and manipulative. If for one moment you lose composure, he'll win. 

     "I already told you little Usok what I want, you should know that by now."
"I'm not granting your wish to become King of Pride Land Scar. That's final."
A frown formed on Scar's face as he glared at your attempt to stay 'righteous'. It was annoying. All he simply wants is to rule Pride Land, not all the money this world had to offer. He wanted what was rightfully his, and you were the key that could confirm it. He quickly silenced his thoughts and took a deep breath. Time. That's all he needed. Time and patience and his prize will fall straight into his hands.

     "Well then there is no point in repeating myself then. After all, you are an Usok, you have the capacity of intelligence to decide whether or not to grant my desire. I shall leave you be then." He sighed as he turned on his heels and began to walk away. "Oh, before I leave," he began, turning back to you. "I would like to apologize for my irrational behavior when we first met." he said with a small bow. Well...this was odd for you. You never imagined that Scar would ever apologize to...anyone as a matter of fact. You tried racking your brain for any sort of answer to give him, only to make the air around the two of you rather awkward. "I see." Scar said as he stood back to his full height, which you had to admit was rather tall compared to you. "Then if you excuse me."

     With those final words, he turned around and walked away. What took you by surprise that he never truly left, rather, he took a seat underneath a nearby tree. "I-I thought you said you were leaving...!" you stammered.
"I said i'd leave you be, little Usok, I never said that I was leaving." He smirked, leaning back against the tree. "Don't worry, I won't bother you doing....whatever is you're doing." he said as he relaxed.

     You looked at him warily as he closed his eyes and relaxed with his hand behind his head. You've never really felt so...jumbled before. Usually, you were quick with your responses, always having something up your sleeve, however, for once in your life you were speechless. You stood there, your mind going completely blank before you quickly reeled yourself back into reality. 'You know what, forget about him!' you thought to yourself. 'He's probably toying with you. Remember what Rafiki said, he's manipulative and cunning.' Shaking your head, you try your best to get back on track.

     Hours go by as you had continued your venture on completing your assignment. You sighed as you leaned back onto your hands and stared up at the sky. This was hopeless, madness even. How were you supposed to figure out how to communicate with nature if you don't know where to even begin!? Let alone talking to plants! Letting out a frustrated puff of air, your attention moved over to the nearby tree where, surprisingly, Scar was still leaning against.

     Curiosity soon filled your thoughts as you started to memorize his features. His hair was a beautiful onyx black, tied into beautiful velvet ropes and accented with golden, cuff like beads at the end. His face was sharp and defined, complimenting well with his complexion. His skin reminded you of rich chocolate with hint of a red underneath, much like when the sun is just about to set and the sky becomes a beautiful red. The trimmed facial hair that outlined his jaw gave him an aura of maturity and elegance. His build was lean and elegant; broad shoulders that showed that he was not one to be messed with, and the way his black top had cut off at the shoulder, showing off his lean but muscular arms showed that he also had strength. Finally...a scar that ran down his left eye. It was a light brown color, but it added more mystery to Scar. You wondered what could have given him such a nasty Scar. A brawl? Perhaps an accident?

     "You know, little Usok, it's rather rude to stare." He said. A surprised gasp escaped your lips as you broke out of your daze. (E/c) eyes met with those familiar hypnotic green ones and once again you were in a trance. "I-I...I wasn't staring..." you mumbled, your face flaring in heat of embarrassment as you turned away. "I was just....wondering if you were still alive or something." Oh how you internally cringed at your blatant lie. However, Scar let out a low chuckle that sent shivers down your spine as he let his arms fall down to his side. "My, your a rather peculiar one aren't you, little Usok." he mused before standing up. "May we meet again soon." He bid farewell before walking off into the distance. A part of you knew that you needed to keep your distance from Scar. He was dangerous, especially from what Rafiki had told you. He was conniving, he was manipulative... but you hoped...that you would see him again...and soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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