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  As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, your visit into kingdom became more frequent and everyone began to notice it. From the way you would finish your breakfast quicker, to completing your daily tasks at a much faster pace, you were desperate to make time to see Cinder, and Cinder felt the same. He was ecstatic to see to have a friend that he could talk to and actually help with his chores which his step-father paid no attention to, probably too busy praising himself and his children. You didn't mind helping Cinder around his house, for it felt worth while to actually do something instead of letting others do it for you. However, with these frequent visits to Cinder, you did realize something. Was he always this handsome? You already knew he was more attractive than the others and definitely more charming than anyone you knew, besides your brother and sister, but has he always made your heart rate increase and your face warm up? It baffled you and it only drove you to be with him more.

Today was another average day as you wore a simple yet elegant gown before making your way to the dining hall. Though your feet guided you to your destination, your mind was somewhere else. You wondered what sort of activities you were going to do with Cinder today. "Maybe we could go out into town again? I did like playing with the children," you thought to yourself as you entered the hall. There sat your father at the end of the table and your mother sitting by him, since this was only a family breakfast there was no need to follow the seating arrangement. Your brother sat on the other side of where your father sat right across from your mother and right next to him was your sister. "Good morning." you said before walking over and taking a seat next to your mother.

"My don't you look chipper this morning." Your father stated with a chuckle, taking a bite out of his food.

"You know father (Y/n) has been on the brighter mood recently." your older brother took note.

"I agree, along with you getting things done a lot more quickly than any of us." Your sister added.

"I think the both of you need a pair of spectacles because you both seem to be blind." you scoffed, trying to play off that they were absolutely right. You peeked over at your mother whom sat with her back as straight as a pole with her hand covering her mouth and hiding the giggles. You blushed before begrudgingly shoving a piece of egg in your mouth.

"So, your mother and I decided that it was about time that you all should begin your search in finding a spouse." Your father said. You nearly choked. Say what?! A spouse?! Come on that wasn't fair!

"Which is why we are going to throw a ball." Your mother hummed. Oh how you almost fell out of your chair.

"Yes! We invited all of the royals to come to the ball so that you, my dear son and my two daughters will find your true love." Oh yeah, your father was a sappy old mad. How could you forget, however one word rung in your head; true love.

"How would we know if we found the true one?" your sister asked.

"Well dear, it goes a little something like this." Your mother began. "From the moment you see them, your heart races. Your face becomes flush and words are suddenly the hardest thing in the world. But if it's true love, simply by touching them, you will know." By touch? You thought for a moment back when you were working with Cinder.

You were helping him with the chickens and one of them decided to trip you over. Though your bottom hit the floor rather roughly, when Cinder offered to help and you took his hands, there was this, unimaginable feeling. Were love with Cinder? But even if you were, would he love you when you tell him that you are Princess (Y/n)? "What if..." you began, staring at your food. could ease it in. "What if...we invite everyone in the kingdom to the ball." you suggested.

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