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do you know

do you know

i have felt every beat

in my chest

when i touched your skin

your skin

your white skin

i don't want to remember the night

when i found your body

on my doorstep

blood still warm

my tears were warm

what are we now

what are we now

lake and stones

and lovely bones

covered in mud

oh i'm counting to ten

and then lifting my lids

i go blind

i go blind then

that is why i bleed every night

that is why i'm through

stones in my pocket

and a lake see-through

closed and shut

closed and shut

but what can you do

when you like the black suns

and mud in your lungs

mud in your lungs

all black in your lungs

i wish i sheltered you

sheltered you

now under water is my soul

i have always lived for that cold

honestly, i have always lived for that cold

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