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i asked myself this morning 

is every ocean unfree

and if it is

is it the sky or tides

is it the hard truth or poor lies

that hold him in place

so he can't reach

something deeper and something higher

he dreams and dreams but is

caught in a terrible misfire

and i asked myself after that

is every part of me unfree

is it the boxes i put my little head and my

arms and stomach in

that chain them apart

far away they fail the heart

for i have seen how they scratch

when they can't move

and how they clench when

the cumbers are removed

and then i asked myself

will my mother call today

the day is so long and i've nothing planned

maybe we'll go out and buy some flowers, grab something to eat

and i 'll carry on living with mere's nest in my chest and put my morning

perishable thoughts to soft rest

every ocean is as free as he wants to be

tragic is his pain for not touching the sun

but if he pushes his blue limbs just above the horizon

he might meet himself in the slow rising

a/n: i feel like i try too hard and my poems always come out as overly dramatic.

i don't know. anyways, thank you for being the best and reading this. 

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