a lesson

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has no one taught you how to take care of yourself?

has no one taught you how to stop biting your knuckles,

how to make your hair look nice,

and how to cut it off when you regret everything and want to start again?

has no one taught you how to wash off your mother's look

with a soap that drains your skin,

forgive your best friend for everything she said,

take disgust as an important lesson?

how to cry the whole drive home 

without anyone noticing,

how not to burry hate deep in your stomach

because it will bite just to get out?

has no one taught you what to do when he's been gone for years

but you still feel the same,

what to do when they don't listen even though you always do,

how to accept souls that don't take anything as holy

not even the heart or the body of the person they claim to love?

they leave the skin lacerated and heart overfull with remorse,

and you can't believe someone likes to be touched with such

disguised force. 

has no one taught you how not to hate your voice or your sister,

and how to say you really missed her,

how to forgive them before they even open their mouths?

dear, my dear, has no one taught you anything?

then here's a lesson for you:

stay up all night creating some art -

it'll be enough if you just lift your lids

and fall apart. 

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