the stars are going out

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how does it feel to be the

fragment of a spring so important that

without you red tides don't exist?

and how does it make you feel when

the sun refuses to shine

because you don't feel like looking up?

you say you're fine and then start to cry

and lanterns turn to light up your side

and i sit still counting your cries

and say: skies don't know how to be

when you are lorn in roots.

i lose you, like that, every now and again.

you press cold fingers on your fragile lids

and feel like you're turning and turning,

losing yourself little by little, peace by peace

'til your heartbeat starts to cease.

and i'm there, frightened,

not knowing how to breath

when you are overseas, too far from me.

after some slow passing time 

with arms full of gladioli you

remember how to come  home,

so we lie on our backs

watching happily how stars start to light up

after they have, just like you, gone out.

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