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i watch it from my window

and try to think of it

as something that's only in my head

it's still a secret:

whilst digging it up, my heart bled

and my dad goes to work

not looking at it once

he only wakes up at night

and sits at the kitchen table

alone, like independent means stable

but my mother doesn't even try

oh god that scornful look in her weary eyes

i understand mother, it's been enough

i know you're tougher

than this arid color of my rebuff

you know i didn't even know

i was holding a shovel

only when i'd wake up

i'd see all the dirty prints

i didn't know those were shadow hints

that one day i'll try to clean this up

but i won't have arms

and it will be too painful to even

walk beside the pit

let alone to replenish it

my bones will find their place

in the darkness of its walls

like they were always this tart

like they were something

damned from the start

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