bite my tongue

18 1 0

trigger warning! do not read if you are sensitive to the topic of eating disorders or anything related. 

I am hiding under bones

hiding behind my delicate tones

ribs are my favorite shelter

I took my mind and put it next to

a heart that doesn't quite know what it should do

bum bum bum

it speaks to

my arms won't move and lids won't lift

only my collar bones know how to say hello

when I see that a lot of my hair actually fell off

but it's okay

because I am not there under scalp

I am secret under hips and wrist bone

smiling behind my spine to hide the fact

I am tired and alone

and skinny skinny skinny

should be worth it

but it seems when I get there

my lips will be too purple and hung

to stop biting on my tongue

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