Welcome to Hogwarts

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I was here back again,it's hard to believe how you can admire Hogwarts even after a really long journey from London.

I missed this place so much ,the carriage ride with the Thestrals the enchanted ceiling,the sorting ceremony and of course no injustice being done to the mouth watering food.

I had tried to take my journey alone as even though I was one of the most popular and social person but I liked some lone time but this ended as soon as I entered the Great Hall.

I spot Olivia Lovegood and Albert Goodwin coming towards me they are the closest I have got for what People call best friends others are just a pathetic bunch of losers who come towards me only because I belong to one of the most prominent pureblood family. I also happen to have my fair share of admirers even though I don't date .Much reason of competition to some a challenge to others.

"Hello guys how are you its been so long since I last met you"

"We are all good what about you"Albert replied .

However before I could tell him about my latest conquest the Riddle Book I bought this summer Olivia squealed.

"WOW,You are the prefect."

I beamed at her.

"I know, I was so happy and so was Isabelle,she even invited her friends over to one of those exclusive parties she holds,mum and dad were proud and they got me the Scramegours Riddle Book I've been pining for since the last year"

"Pining for Riddle, not an uncommon phrase" joked Olivia

"Oh, shut up"

"Do you know that even Riddle has become a prefect"

"Wow I'm surprised" I say sarcastically, that was the most obvious thing in the world since magic.

He looks good ,is charming and all that; but if you are smart (which I am obviously) enough you will see all of it is a carefully crafted mask: he is not the worst better than being stuck with Aaron that guy doesn't speak a word always into his books,irritating really.

It was after dinner while I was with my friends bidding my farewell so that I could guide the first years properly to the common room when I heard this beautifully disgusting voice causing me to turn around.

"How are you Elizabeth ?"

"I am off course better than you "

I must have forgotten to mention but Riddle and I have been waging a verbal war against each other since forever and it's become a habit,I would be surprised if we didn't fight the fact that we always have something to say to each other is extremely entertaining,many times people (who have nothing better to do with their lives) make bets on the matter.

That did catch him off guard and it might have been a trick of light but for one moment I saw his face fall and so I gave him my beautiful- I -got- u -smirk.

" I believe we need to let the first years to their dormitory or have you forgotten that you are a prefect and you have to know what I perfectly understand ,your ant sized brain might not remember it"

"At least I have got one unlike some people ". He must have heard me but choose to ignore and went after the first giving them the general instructions.

After guiding the first years I was tired and I slept as soon as I hit the bed.

AN that witches and wizards is the first chapter in the history of many to come(i have written a few unedited to publish soon)Ratings and Reviews are appreciated. I'm sure they'll make my day or week the first few responders get included as character just tell me the house u wanna be in also English is not my first language so there will be mistakes. Thanks for checking my story.

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