Manor and Manners

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Here you go moonlessnightcat
Ps imp note at end

Time passes so swiftly sometimes that we don't even realise how fleeting moments become cherished memories.

I was sitting next to Al in the Malfoy Gardens.

"Aunt looks well." I tell him referring to his mother.

"I'm glad she does. I think it's because of you she really likes you."

"Well what can I say I'm enchanting."

He throws a snowball on me.

"You oaf."

He stuck out his tongue.
I stopped he looked so adorable. My best friend. My brother.
I had watched him grow. We had known each other since we were kids. And seeing him now realising it my heart was so overwhelmed.

I just hugged him.

"I love you Al. You are the best best friend I could ask for. You are more than a friend you are my family. My brother."

"Aww are you going to cry now or sing eternal praises."

I punched him.

"But you are also an oaf, you idiot."

"Decide Oaf or Idiot."


"Multitalented it is then."

I hit him again.

"If you were not a girl I would have...."

"You would have what." I ask interuppting him.

But before he could say anything we were interrupted by sound of hexes.

Now technically we were not supposed to use magic outside Hogwarts but since no one actually stopped us we did that freely.

We go towards the voice to spot Abraxas bullying a young kid.

I try to place a name to the face But the answer evades me.

"Stop it Abraxas." I shout.

He looks at me briefly stopping it.

"Leave the kid alone."

"Why you can't stand watching your lovers cousin get tortured." He said snarling.

"Pick someone your own size, Malfoy"  said Al intervening shooting him a dirty look.

I stood there confused. But Tom was an orphan and anyway Abraxas wouldn't dare to say anything about him or his cousin.

I looked at the young boy he was scared. Poor kid.

I performed the basic healing charms I knew.

While Al talked with the kid. Softly  like one would talk to an injured animal. I was very bad at such comforting business well you could not be perfect could you.

And perfection would be so boring.

Anyway I slipped out to tell Mrs.Malfoy about her son. I was not a tattle tale but if the kid told his parents there would be one big mess.

I reached the the parlour where Mrs. Malfoy usually sat.

I knocked the door.

"Come in." Said a swift voice.

I looked to find Mrs. Malfoy surrounded the chief house elf.

"May I have a word Aunt."

"Of course my dear." She said smiling courteously.

"Abraxas was teasing a young kid, I think the son of the Potters Charlus. You might want to warn him if you seem fit. The kid could have made a big deal about the incident but Myself and Albert intervened and tended to the kid. I dont think he will say anything but little kids can't be trusted."

"Don't worry dear I'll see to it." A bell rang and she looked at me smiling " looks like the Skylark's will be joining us soon.Come with me to recieve them."

I stood at the guest entrance of the manner watching my family apparate. Even though I stood still I was ready to burst and hug them  as soon as they apparated in front of me.

The first one to materialise was my father in smart blue robes. Followed by my mother in navy with gold laces and then my sister in her Azure.

I came forward to greet them.

My sister stopped me at once a look in her eyes.

It was only then I noticed that the hem of my dress was dirty and with a quick spell that I has found in the library in a book for House wife spells I cleaned the cloth.

My sister smiled at me.

Now we reached the room allowed to us for the visit.
And only when Mrs. Malfoy left us did I get a chance to finally meet my family.

I hugged both my parent.

" Oh how much I've missed you." My mother said softly running a hand through my hair.

"I will let you rest and then come to meet you for tea."
I tell them.

They nod.

"I will come to you, it's been long since I spent time with my sister."
Isabelle says.

I lead her to the room I'm staying in.

"Please sit." I request.

"I think you should be the one seated , you'll need it." She says

An oops looks like someone is in trouble read the next chapter to find out

Btw I'm planning on editing the whole thing after I'm done making the chapters longer adding more backstories maybe and so on. So you can tell me what you'd like to read before I finish the story. I think we are midway through. You have all the pieces I'm just gonna join the end

Also how do you think it should end how they should end.

Until next time enjoy.

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