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It's been a week since that incident and we have started dating sort of I mean if you count sneaking into the kitchens or sitting in the library doing homework, Once we even went to Hogsmeade on a double date of sorts totally unofficial. Today after a wonderful week I was fidgety, nervous pacing around the room of requirement and occasionally turning the ring on my finger which had the skylark emblem a bird flying restrained.

You're free to fly but know your limits 


           Sky is the Limit(as I prefer)

I had invited Tom for Tea.One would ask why was I nervous about it,I was nervous because today would be a significant day in my life and I may or may not live to see the light of the next day. I sat down on one of the two seats, took a deep breath and gave a smile.

It was forced, I am a horrible actor when I am nervous.

Think about good happy things. I did I thought about My sister and I about Olivia and Albert, my good friends, all those who care about me. Reece.

And the thought made me smile, he made me smile.

Tom's POV

I entered the room of requirement and immediately spotted her , her face lit up like the sun on a clear day happiness radiated of her.

She had invited me for tea, which seemed rather out of place since last time we met we had fought, right here in the room of requirement but this place was different somehow more welcoming and homely at the same time retaining a look of a manor.

Her house must look like this.

"Elizabeth" I called out as I sat on the seat opposite to her.

"Tom" she replied looking at me and then giving me a smile fit for the pureblood princess she was.

It was fake.

"Why am I here?" I questioned.

"Tea?" she said ignoring my eyes on her and looking anywhere but me.

"Yes, please" I said taking the bait she was giving me and she relaxed once more, pouring me tea.


"One Cube"

She nods as she adds a cube of sugar stirs it and pours herself a cup adds two cubes of sugar.

"Are you not scared of gaining weight?" I ask her a soft smile playing on my lips.

"Don't worry. Reece won't mind if I become a little fat. He will just call me something outrageous such as Sweet fluff." She said laughing, her eyes brightened.

I felt anger rise in me. Fleamont, he was the thorn in my way, something needed to be done. I could not afford Distractions, Elizabeth couldn't be distracted.

She sensed my discomfort over the topic so she changes it.

"What are your plans for Christmas?" she enquired.

"What are yours?" I countered.

"I will stay at the Malfoys till their Christmas Soire and then will go back home to help for the annual New Years Ball. I suggest you to accompany Malfoy for the break and when you attend the New Years Party I can give you the Stones and if possible the answer to the riddle." she suggests.

I nod.


Elizabeth's POV

I sit next to Tom in the library, we're completing assignments and sometimes I take a break by reading more on the disease. We have been sitting here since eight in the morning it is four now.Only leaving for lunch. It is not by choice I'm here nor has Tom requested my presence, today it would seem every one was caught up in their work. Al and Olivia were on a date. Reece was practicing Quidditch. Others engaged in a similar fashion. And like always I was left alone. I didn't blame them,the world doesn't revolve around me but I would be lying if I said it didn't matter to me.My thoughts drifted to my sister and pain envelops my heart. So I was stuck here in my own pity party with only Tom for company who in his true fashion remained aloof

"Don't think about it." He said without a glance in my direction..My face must have turned more sorrowful.

I move my very stiff legs, stifling a yawn I take a look at Tom. He is sitting calmly writing on the parchment with his thin long fingers which are absolutely clean.I look at mine smudged with ink. I clean my fingers with a spell.

"I cant help it." I reply.

He keeps aside the parchment he had been working on and turns towards me.

"I will not say I understand but we are doing what we can,Right?"

I only nod,he was right but that did not stop me from worrying.

"Nothing I ever do is enough" I mumble to myself. It is then I start hearing sounds, beautiful notes of chiming bells. I get up hypnotized and touch the model of a snow globe kept on the window sill. the sound stops completely, during this time I faintly hear Tom calling out to me but I could have never cared less.

Colorful and temperature less  flames engulf me and then my world turns black and silent.Slowly, very slowly charged particles of what seems like a replica of Aurora Borealis comes into being then the colors solidify to form images fleeting in form, voices of different frequencies.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...And the Dark Lord will mark him as equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies....  says a woman sitting in a pub.

A boy with straight dark hair telling a red head that she was a witch.

Three friends laughing together in a picture where the green eyed boy looked at it with longing and a smile.

Flashes of war, a lot of people dying.A Hogwarts older and destroyed.

A platinum blonde crying with a ghost  comforting him.

and many more disappearing on the blink of an eye.

They stopped a rainbow bridge appearing in front of me.I attempted to step on it when an eerie voice interrupted in the shape of a hooded woman.

"If I were you I wouldn't step unto the unknown " an eeriely familiar voice cautioned.

"What will happen if I do?"

"Soul such as yours will be cleansed to an extent but you will burn with flames and acid stronger than that will ever be perceived by the human world"

"Can anyone I know survive this?"

" Olivia might come out unharmed or with minimal damage"

"What is so special about her?"

"Is she not not your closet companion."


"Ever the curious soul.Leave it,I'm here to warn you."

"Warn me.About what"

"Patience honey I'm coming to that."

And the dream started dissolving and she said words I whose meaning only later did I decipher. Maybe a little too late.

"Stay away from the devil, don't help him or you will end up nowhere,some things should not be played with or the guilt of shedding blood of thousands of innocent souls will cover your every step.BEWARE Elizabeth beware."

Solving You Riddle 《Tom Riddle》✔Where stories live. Discover now