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Q would you rather never be rich or never be free

I was sitting in a separate compartment alone, Oli and Al were not going today they had work to do. I was mulling over ways to torture someone without the use of crucio, that someone being Tom Marvelously Maddening Riddle. I was also in a foul mood because not only had he abandoned me after proposing his 'undying' love but my sister had sent me a letter of disappointment when she read the mornings paper. 

I decided to not let Tom ruin my vacation and concentrated on going home, my sister had informed me that Uncle Gellert ( he was my favorite person) was going to come, that by extension meant Al would come.

My mind wandered to what Reece had said. I couldn't make sense of it. I sighed and continued reading the muggle novel Camille had got me. It was nice as far as I had read it.
'Wuthering Heights' I was at the part part where Catherine was proclaiming her love for the boys. I had read that part about 15 times not only because my mind was wandering but also because I liked her explanation of the way she loved the boys.

The compartment door opened  startling me but I didn't move a millimeter years of training. Tom followed by his personal lap dog Malfoy. 

Why in the name of merlin did I have to go to the Malfoy Manor first. It was not fair. I would rather enjoy christmas sleeping in my own bed. 

"Elizabeth"  Tom whispered impatiently.

I looked up leisurely marking the page in the book and then setting it aside.

"Tom" I said dragging the word.

"What is the meaning of this"

"of what?"

"You are supposed to be sitting in the prefects compartment. You know how worried I got."

"I assure you, you don't have to worry on my account." I replied.

I fished my truck for the packet. I found it and threw it at Tom, to his credit he caught it easily.

"What is this?"

"The stones like I promised" As soon as I was on the train I had found this compartment and used my emergency portkey to my room, sneaked of to the basement and got the stones.Initially I had planned to do it later during the party but right that moment I wanted Tom of my back.

Such a wonderful start for an adorable couple. Don't you agree?

"Now if your business is over, I would like to read in peace"

"Are you reading Muggle literature ?" Tom questioned sneering.

"I can read whatever I want my literature is my choice." I argued.

"Aunt won't be pleased" Abraxas inserted.

"Mrs.Malfoy also won't be pleased about the lowlifes her son has been shagging, Imagine Malfoy with a mudblood, so It would do you well to mind your own business" Malfoy turned pink.

Tom sighed.

"Abraxas, would you give us a moment."

"Yes, my lord."

"and make sure no one disturbs us."

"of course my lord."

I got up to leave but he caught my wrist. I withdrew my hand.

"What is the matter, my love"

"Don't  'my love' me , you leave me alone after proposing me , I waited all night  I even went to check your room no trace of you. " I complained as he made me sit on his lap.

Solving You Riddle 《Tom Riddle》✔Where stories live. Discover now