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Sitting by the lakeside I was trying to write a reply to my sister, these past few days had been a blur with Halloween on the corner my shedule was busy and then there was Riddle I had been avoiding him like plaque.I had finally decided I would reply to her today.

Dearest Sister Isabelle,

I sincerely hope you find my letter in the best of spirits,I have been busy very these few week and I am hoping you forgive me for not replying to your message scratch that I beg your pardon.Forgive me as you have always done and I am wishing that you feel better.Also I think for the ball a masquerade will be the most fabulous idea{and no I am not choosing it because you did} I will hopefully be attending the ball and visiting you this Christmas,If you will can I allow my frieng Olivia Lovegood for the holidays. Say love to mum and dad.

Yours adoringly,


"Elizabeth where are you?!? come down this instant or else I will" Olivia screamed in the distance.

"Im here" I told her coming down the stairs after sending a school owl home.

"Good Lord what is the matter, why are you screaming so much as far as I know the school is not on fire" I calmly declare.

"Very funny" she snorted

"Im looking all over the place for you and you cant even remember a promise."

"What promise?" I enquire.

She looked at me exasperated.

"Go to hell!"

"Olivia, dont be such a prat"

"Oh now Im being a prat fine go do whatever shit it is that you do,just ignore me, Dont bother Olivia will be there when you need her,Go I will live."

"Ok Im sorry what was that we had to do?"

"Are you girls coming we are getting late then dont be like we didnt have enough time shopping and I dont want to miss Firewhiskey" said Albert rudely interrupting us with Reece by his side.

The whole time Olivia did not talk to me and I looked at her wondering how to pacify her.

"Hey, what's wrong fought with Olivia hmm?" Albert whispered as I watched her get involved with an animated discussion with Reece.

"Yeah, it seems I forgot something really important that I was supposed to do, leave it you seem happy ......what could be the reason the goofy smile that never leaves your face.Found some one?" 

"No, I forgot to tell you that I got mums letter she says she is fine and I should write too her soon I'll buy her some thing and send it with the letter"

"I'm so happy for you Albert."

"So Who are you attending the ball with."

"What Ball?!?"

"The Haloween Ball, Olivia has been taking about it ever since we got the notice."

I facepalm 

"Im such an idiot." 

So that is why Olivia is angry at me.

What happenned after that is reallly blur I talked to Olivia convinced her to buy gowns with me, we seprated from the guys promising them to meet up for Firewhiskey. Olivia and I both scanned the shops for the best from our Gowns to makeup, from shoes to Jewellery.At the end of it we had too many bags and were tired of catching them,we met the boys who had done their fair amount of shopping, we were only glad to handover our bags to them.

We were all seated on a table for four,girls on a side and boys on the other.

"So what are you planning to be for the halloween fancy dress costume ball." Reece asked.

"Who are you planning to go with." Albert added.

"No Idea" we{olivia and I} answered together and broke down in a fit of giggles.

"Can't believe you were fighting this morning" Al commented.

"You did buy your dresses right?" Reece questioned.

"We did." I assured him.

"We can change them if we wish too you know,we can do magic.Atleast I can, can you Eli" Olivia said.

"I can do too,Abra-ca-dabra" I said clearly.

The boys gave each other a solemn nod and escorted us back to the slytherin dorm,all the way we were in our crazy  innocent drunk mode, since the potait wouldnt allow Reece to come in he had to leave us and go.Inside in the common room Tom was sitting there and came to help as Albert tried to stop us fighting,about which was better red or blue.

"Red is the colour of love" exclaimed Oli dreamily.

"Blue is soft and calm and cleansing like the water." I argued.

"What happened? " Tom asked clearly amused.

"Too much of Firewhiskey" Albert shrugged.

"Let me help, I'll take Elizabeth you can take Olivia"

"Thanks mate" Al replied as he helped Olivia.


"Reeeddle....,How are you this eveningg????" Elizabeth says a goofygrin on her face, the lady is clearly drunk.

"I am fine, how are you?" I ask

The smile slips of her face and she curls up into a ball then as if she wanted to disappear.

"I am not good .... so bad, so bad, so bad" she starts murmuring.

"Hey, you are going to be fine.Okay, Im here, I'll help you." I assure her.

She looks up at me.

"Promise" she questions.

"I promise" I reply and I realize as I leave her that night that I fully intead to keep my promise.

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