Chapter 11

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At home Bonnie went straight upstairs, not bothering to take something for her thumping headache, and started to search through her textbooks. Finally she pulled an unfamiliar one from underneath her English textbook and sitting down her bed, she studied the black leather cover. A frown appeared between her delicate eyebrows as she ran a hand through her curly black hair. The book was inconspicuous with the unexciting word "notes" printed in golden letters in the corner on the right. SHe gazed at it for a while and then her heart skipped a beat.

She recognized the book. It was her grandmother's grimoire. In the grief following her death, it hadn't even occurred to her to look for it, but through Stefan and Elena it had found its way to her. Bonnie's hand flew towards her mouth as tears brimmed in her eyes.

With trembling fingers she opened the book and turned the pages and pages of delicate cursive script. Her grandmother had been using this grimoire to teach her, but never before had Bonnie been able to read freely the text full of spells, directions and thoughts on the life and loved ones of her Grams. The blood pounded in her ears as she leafed through the grimoire, pausing on a particular date in 1997, when she had been about five years old. Next to a direction for a spell, her Grams had scribbled a short remark.

I think she has the gift.

Silent tears started to stream down Bonnie's cheeks as she let the rest of the pages run through her fingers, ending with the blank ones at the end of the book, silent witnesses of an abruptly ended life.

A sob broke through Bonnie's restraint and she closed her eyes, grabbing her painfully throbbing chest. After a moment of overwhelming grief, Bonnie got a hold on herself and wanted to close the book, when her eye fell on the last of the written pages. It was dated on the day before she and her Grams would be opening the tomb and her eyes travelled to the first line.

My dearest Bonnie, it read.

Bonnie's breath caught. It was a letter. From Grams to her. A hot feeling started spread from her stomach through her body as she bowed over the text with eyes that were widened in shock.

She didn't see the crow staring at her from the closed window, then flapping its wings before flying away.

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