Chapter 17

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Apparently, the crow had understood that Bonnie would be in trouble if he approached her in public, so he didn't appear whilst she was at school and Bonnie thought it best to let Elena believe that she'd followed her advice. Instead, she and Elena talked about the spells she'd learned in the past few days. Witching lessons were far more interesting than maths.

That afternoon Bonnie didn't go straight home, but true to her resolution, she let her hands turn the wheel and for the first time in what felt forever, follow the familiar road to her Grams' old home. Her heart hammered in her chest.

When the salmon coloured house came into view, Bonnie subconsciously slowed down, her eyes filling with tears when she parked.

As the blood pounded in her ears, she gingerly got out of the car and turned toward the front door. She took a deep, shaking breath to calm herself, then tightened her grip around the keys and with a determined face, walked up the front porch.

Bonnie didn't know how long she had been inside, wandering through the empty, tastefully furnished rooms, here and there pulling open drawers and running her hands across the polished wooden side tables and heavy curtains. The spirit of her Grams was still very much present in her home, as if she could appear from the dining room every moment.

But somehow it didn't hurt Bonnie anymore. The few tears she'd shed when she found herself in the vestibule had quickly dried and after she'd gotten over her hesitation, she deeply enjoyed being in her grandmother's house and a warm feeling glowed inside of her.

When the sun turned away from the windows in the living room, Bonnie stepped out of the house and allowed herself to sit down for a moment on the front porch steps, like she had done so often when she was a child.

She leaned her head against the smooth white pillar and her eyes wandered over the surroundings, as her sandaled foot absentmindedly drew circles in a heap of sand. It was the last thing she saw before she sunk away in an exhausted but peaceful sleep.

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