Don't Walk Away From Me

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"Well most people don't know, but I do have other interest outside of the ones I currently hold." Jocelyn started off as she pulled out my chair at a table in the back.
"Well please by all means share them with." I said, leaning forward across the table to stare into her eyes.
"How can I, if you already know one?," She said leaning towards me well.
"Huh?," I stated, tilting my head slightly to the side confused.
"Your one of my main interests." Jocelyn said coyly.
"Nice try," I replied blushing & nodding my head to her. "But that won't work this time. I want to know more about you. So come on, fess up already." I demanded eagerly.
"I like to read, & not the usual garbage. Specifically poetry some of my authors happen to be Edgar Allen Poe, Maya Angelou, & Aphra Behn to name a few." She replied. I stared at in silence for nearly a minute. "What?," She said looking at me as if I were an alien.
"Nothing," I said shrugging my shoulders slightly. "I'm just intrigued... in a good way. In all honestly the only name I recognize is Maya Angelou, & to be perfectly honest. I'm not at all familiar with even her work.," I confessed. Jocelyn laughed quietly.
"That's cool, I can tell you about them if you like?" She offered. "Yes, please." I said not hesitating at jumping at the opportunity to unveil another layer of her.
"For starters I like horror movies, but you get tired of the same themes. Plus the movies, never measure up to the books. Not to mention in the beginning I wasn't to fond of books all that much either. So I looked toward the short stuff.," Jocelyn began, watching me.
"I started out the same way.," I said in agreement. "Where did you grow up?"
"I spent the majority of my childhood in Puerto Rico, with my abuela.," She continued.
"Where were your parents?," I asked. "Had they passed on?" I asked hesitantly in a quieter voice.
"Oh no, nothing like that. My Mom's worked real hard as maid for one of the resorts out there." She answered. "My abuela, on the other hand was a school teacher. So the majority of the things I was taught by her."
"What about your Dad?," I wondered.
"I don't have a lot of memories about him. He was a proud man, my Mom tells me. Only he couldn't resist the women, & it was a face so beautiful that got him killed in the end.," Jocelyn revealed.
"I'm sorry about you Dad, I couldn't imagine going through life without my Father.," I confessed softly. Jocelyn shook her head, & waved her hand in a dismissive manner. "Don't worry about it Ma, it's not your fault. Besides you can't really miss what you never had."
"What about you though? I mean it's obvious your not only a good girl, but a total Daddy's girl at heart. What I don't get is how I can call I guy I barely remember Dad, but you call yours Father. Why so formal?" She wants to know.
"I don't really know, my Dad has always been a really formal man. We were really close, when I was little. Yet, the older I got it seems the more we lost it. He's a very proud stubborn man, but he's my Father all the same." I said pausing in thought. "He's also the only one I know who's as formidable as me when it comes to our tempers, it's not a pretty sight." I continued shaking my head.
"It sounds like he's more controlling, than anything else.," Jocelyn stated.
"Not without due cause he isn't.," I stated defensive.
"So it's easy to assume that he knows about your attraction to women, or at the least wouldn't freak out about it?," She asked sarcastically.
"No, he doesn't," I said regrettably "If he were to ever find out...," Biting my lip. "I honestly wouldn't know what he would do to me.," I continued.
"Do to you?," She repeated suspiciously. Jerking alert out of my lost thoughts. I quickly corrected myself.
"Deal," Clearing my throat. "I meant to say deal, I wouldn't know how he would deal with me," I said.
"Are you sure? Because I swore I heard you say do.," She replied.
"No, I meant deal." I said firmly.
"Ramiya, if there's anything-," She started.
"There isn't, so drop it.," I said firmly.
"Ramiya," Jocelyn started again, looking at me closely.
"I don't have to listen to this.," I said frantically grabbing my things together. Readying myself to leave. "Okay, okay.," Jocelyn said holding her hands out pleadingly.
"If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to.," She said. "Just please, don't walk away from me."
"There's nothing to talk about.", I said with finality.
"Then let's change the subject, & forget this ever happened.," She replied appeasingly.
"Your always drawing, what's that about?," she asked encouragingly. I debated on even bothering to answer, then replied, "I don't know why I do it, it's just been something of a passion of sorts for a long time.,"
"Are you like secretly a tattoo artist/fanatic?," Jocelyn asked teasingly.
"No! Absolutely not!," I replied back laughing. "God, can you imagine me covered in tats wearing one of my infamous pastel dresses?"
"Okay, I get your point." She said. "So you've never had a desire to get one tiny tat?"
"I mean I have, of course. It's just that I can't just go out, & let anybody permanently mark me. They have to know what they are doing, plus I have to have a connection with then. Our vibe has to be in tune with the other." I said.
"It's crazy, because I totally get you completely. Like in my mind I'm totally tatted up, but in reality my body is a pure blank canvass." She confided.
"A canvas, that I honestly wouldn't mind seeing again..., " My mind instantly drifting off to thoughts of drawing her, wondering what
medium would work well with her. "I want something strong, but not masculine, beautiful but not dainty." I informed her.
"Where would you like it placed?," She asked.
"I don't know, somewhere like on my shoulder, or like my hip area to down my leg." I said.
"Your talking about some major pieces. That kind of stuff comes with a lot of sitting & money." She tells me knowingly.
"Well luckily for me, I have money saved up. Plus I prepared for it to come with a lot of time, I want a detailed piece. You said I'm a canvas right, well it's only right that I'm decorated with a breathtaking work of art." I say confidently.
"Would I be able to tattoo you sometimes?," She asked me eventually.
"Your jumping the gun a bit ahead there kid. Besides one of my secret life goals is to get tattooed by the Carl Grace.," I continued. Her mouth dropped open in shock. "What did you think I knew absolutely nothing about that aspect of the art world?," I continued casually.
"To be real, hell naw I didn't think you knew anything about it.," She told me truthfully.
"Well I think we know a lot more about things that interest, each other than we give the other credit for.," I concluded. Jocelyn agreed, nodding her staring at me with a tiny smirk on her face.
"Your doing it again," I stated.
"Doing what?," Jocelyn asked.
"Looking at me a certain way, without giving a hint as to what your thinking.," I said.
"Who says I'm thinking anything," She countered back.
"Because if you weren't then I wouldn't feel as if we exchanged a thousand words with just our eyes alone." I finished quietly. I watched her smirk fall, & her face gain a serious look. Jocelyn cupped my chin, & drew me towards her placing a kiss on my lips. Starting off calm, it gradually got deeper until she pulled back. Looking at she said "That's because we just did.," before getting up from the table, & walking out the of the library.

A/N: Sorry for the LONG HIATUS!!! I was going through a lot, & surprisingly recent events have allowed me to write again. I look forward too your comments & votes. Please put more than just update. Lol, if you actually interact I will be more inspired to write. The more you fall in love/hate the characters. Lol, I'm not giving anything away!!!!

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