Progect: Getting Out The House

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I was upstairs laying down waitting for my parents to go to sleep, they always went to bed early like clockwork. They were taking so damn long you would think they were being deliberately slow on purpose. Finally I heard the creaking of their bedroom door close, and figured it was time to start getting ready.

I rinsed my hair and added mousse to lock in my curls; also adding a blue and black hair pen. I put my dress on first so that I wouldn't run the risk of smudging my make-up, and then put put on my make-up. Taking one more look in the mirror I saw myself as being ready as i'll ever be to go. Now it was time to get out the house.  I tiptoed quietly down the hall, quickly dropping to the floor when I got to my parents door, and crawling by just in case my dad woke up. Once past I went towards the front door, and decided to wait outside for Jocelyn.

She pulled up shortly and stopped right in front of my at the curb. I tapped my foot impatiently and waited for her to get out out, and open the door for me. She didn't, instead she leaned across the seat and opened the door all she said was, "Get in." I huffed, and got in way. She sped off, and silence fell between us. I kept my face averted away from her, and stared out the window. She would glance at me from time to time.

"Where are we going?," I finally asked, after she had glanced at me for the third time.

"No hello then, okay. Well I thought I would take you to this club I like to go to in Culver City.," she said.

"Oh, really? Is it some hole in the wall, A place where you have to do your- i'm not exactly sure what to call it buisness?," I asked turning my head from the window to look at her. We had just reached a red light, when she took the time fully look at me.

"Don't worry, you won't know all the dirty details of my buisness, as you so call it." she replied.

"Why, are you afraid that you just might get caught.," I asked honestly curious.

She shook her head and said, "I don't think so. Not really, in my line of buisness you always know the risks. I make a point of only letting people in that can handle it."

"Then why are we together right now? I'm sure you know enough about me to know that your life, and mine are worlds apart," I said.

"True, but I don't something tells me you'll be different,-" she said. I snorted at that. She cut me a sharp glance for interupting her, "even if you don't know it yourself."

"Hmm," I said.

"That's it? All I get is a "hmm"? No smart ass comment back?," she says.

"I have nothing to say i'm suprised still on guard, but suprised that you have given this a lot of thought," I reply. She says nothing, but smiles at me. I smile back, and we continue the rest of the ride to the club.


A/N: I know it has been a while, and this chapter is shorter than my previous one. I'm sorry, but at least I gave you something. I plan to at least update one, if not twice a week.

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