Here We Go Again

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The twins, and I headed off to gym together. We talked about the outfits they planned on wearing, and what they thought I would look good in. Once at the gym we headed to the lockeroom to change for class. The standard gym uniform at our school was buying our own red shorts, and white tshirts. So of course the twins bought the closest thing to booty shorts they could find, and tight tshirts. My outfit uniform was a little more modest with I was wearing shorts, but they were'nt gonna go up my ass if i bent over. My thsirt was tight engouh to show off I had a chest, but wasnt suffocating me. We got through with changing, and put our hair up in ponytails. Then went out to the track where coach was already waiting, as the rest of the girls in our class made their way out.

"Alright, listen up ladies today's activity is gonna be plain and simple. We'll split up into groups of six, that means I wanna see five distinct groups. The obstacle course is simple we'll have one group running two laps, two groups doing sit ups and push ups in the inside of the track. However, the last two teams will have a soccer game over on the soccer field.," Coach McKinnley said.

All the girls started whining, becasue Coach McKinnley was known to be a hard ass when it came to competition against our school rival Dorsey High.

"Come on move along now, and pick your group leaders quickly. They will also be your captains we don't have any time to waste.," she said.

We split into our groups, and headed to our assigned spots. My group consisted of the twins, myself, this quiet girl named Alison, and two other girls called Natalie and Rebecca. Shantel was choosen as the group leader since she was considered the more competive of us all. Our first event was the track. LaShay, and Alison are the first to run while Shantel times them. The rest of the girls, and I stretch. As time passes we eventually work our way through the events. Midway through class we hear someone's car blasting "Young, Wild, & Free", by Wiz Khalifa & Snoop Dog.

"What are they doing here?," Natalie asked. Some of the girls started dancing, trying to draw attention to themselves. I looked up to see who she was talking about, and could'nt believe it. Three cars had just pulled up outside the fence, and inside of them were some members of the Latin Kings. Included among them was Jocelyn. They leaned against their cars, and watched as some girls ran over to the fence to talk to them.

"I have no idea, and i'm not willing to find out. I have to go the restroom, i'll be right back." I tried to speed walk to the gym.

"Remiya where you going?," I heard Shantel say behind me. I glanced back to see her looking back, and forth between Jocelyn and me.

"To the restroom.," I replied, trying to sound convincing.

"Didn't you go before we came outside?," she asked.

"Well I- I have go again.," I said. I saw the mischievous twinkle in her eye and realized exactly what she was doing. The damage was already done, and Jocelyn had already spotted me. I scowled at her, and she smiled in return. We both watched as one of the girls came running to us over from the fence.

"Ramiya, you have to come over.," she said.

"No thanks, i'm fine where I am.," I said, and felt Shantel jab me in the side with her elbow.

"You should go.," Shantel said.

"It's a waste of constructive time, we have to finish this. It's for a grade remember.," I said as if I had to remind her.

"No I mean you really need to come over," she stressed.

"Why, I don't talk to those guys anyway.," I whined. Shantel started pushing me towards the fence, and the girl walked beside us.

"It might make you happy to know that it isn't the guys asking for you, but it's Jocelyn herself.,"

"It's like I woke up in the Twilight Zone this moring.," I mumbled to myself.

"Well it's a good thing we're all here to see what happens.," Shantel said back, over hearing me. She started pushing me to walk faster. We neared the fence, and some of the girls mean mugged me when they saw who I was here for. Others who knew of me, were to suprised to do anything else. The others left me immediatley once I was standing directly in front of Jocelyn. She walked over to the fence towards me. I looked away from her pretending I didn't notice her, and trying to seem as uninterested as possilbe.

"Your going out with me tonight.," were the first words out of Jocelyn's mouth.

"Excuse me?," I asked again. She couldn't possbily serious.

"I said your going out with me tonight. I'll pick you up at nine o clock.," she said.

"Wait-what? I don't even know you like that-just who do you think you are?!," I demanded. I felt myself starting to really get angry.

"I'm the woman who's gonna make you my girl.," she replied back with a smirk.

"Hmm, you sure seem pretty confident for someone trying to get with me.," I scoffed.

"Well, I mean come on look at me. It's pretty obvious that I can have whoever I want.," she said back.

"Yeah you could have anyone, you want. The fact of the matter is i'm not anyone, and I don't know who's had you.," I shot back daringly. Some of the conversations went quiet, and people stopped to listen to us. She started to laugh at that.

"Anyone ever tell you, your a pretty ballsy bitch?," she asked.

"Nope, but I am bitch who dosen't have time for this crap," I replied smartly. I turned sharply on my heel before walking away. I could feel Jocelyn's gaze on my ass as I walked away. There were also a few not so friendly glares from the girls who just witnessed what happend, while the guys just lookd amused.

Don't look back. Don't look back, I thought to myself. I must be going crazy to do what I just did.

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